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Strong Transitions Copyright © 2015 by Write Score LLC.

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1 Strong Transitions Copyright © 2015 by Write Score LLC

2 Lesson Focus: Use appropriate transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationship among ideas and concepts.

3 The Importance of Transitions:
Good writers present ideas in a clear, logical manner. They do this by using transitional words and phrases throughout their writing to connect ideas and make the writing coherent.

4 Use transitions appropriately
Use transitions appropriately. Otherwise, they can confuse or bog down the reader.

5 Mentor Paragraph: Over the last half century, the threats to the ocean have become increasingly apparent. However, the inherent complexities of regulating ocean use have hindered comprehensive and effective international policies. Agreements such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea have provided framework for strong international oceanic regimes, but have failed to reverse the threats to the world ocean (Friedheim 1993, p. 3-41). Despite the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea’s distinction as “the most comprehensive international treaty negotiated before or since,” the absence of key players and lack of enforceable policies has weakened its success (Galdorisi and Vienna 1997, forward).

6 Mentor Paragraph: (con’t)
In the United States, the Convention was signed in by the president but has not been adopted. A lack of involvement by major world powers such as the United States has unfortunately undermined the effectiveness of oceanic regimes (Friedheim 1993, p. 3-41).

7 Partner Practice: Read the paragraph.
Add transitions from the bank provided to complete the paragraph.

8 Square Up! Pair 1 read final paragraph aloud.
Pair 2 listen for how the transitions are used. Pair 2 discuss with Pair 1 which transitions don’t work and which ones may work better. Repeat steps 1-3, switching rolls.

9 Independent Edit: Read through your essay. As you read, underline any transition you used. Review underlined transitions. Ask yourself, are the transitions used appropriately? Fix any transitions not used appropriately. Review the essay for a second time. Are there places you can add transitions to connect ideas? If so, add them.

10 Switch essays with a peer.
Read the essay and underline transitions. Place a next to any transitions that writer should review. Place a next to sentences that lack transitions to connect ideas. Return paper to peer. Review your essay and make corrections.

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