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Isbell Elementary Curriculum Night September 7, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Isbell Elementary Curriculum Night September 7, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Isbell Elementary Curriculum Night September 7, 2017

2 Independent Writing Time Other Literacy Components
Schedule Writing Workshop Writing Mini Lesson Independent Writing Time Writing Share Time Science 12:45 -1:30 Specials Math Workshop Number Talks Problem Solving Mini Lesson Math Work Stations 2:45 Pack-Up Reading Workshop Reading Mini-Lesson Independent Reading Guided Reading Groups Responding to Reading Social Studies Other Literacy Components Phonemic Awareness Working with letters Handwriting Grammar 10:30 Lunch 11:00 Recess

3 Tools for Learning This would be a good time to share - anchor charts, manipulatives, guided reading books, writers and readers journals.

4 Our campus worked collaboratively to tweak and develop our new and improved mission and vision statement.

5 The BIG You may have heard us talking about the Big 3 and wondering what it is? The Big 3 is simply 3 Big goals for our WHOLE school. Parents - teachers and students will work collectively to work on these 3 things to support optimal learning here at Isbell.

6 1 in every 3.8 students are new
703 - total students 183 - new students 1 in every 3.8 students are new Not only are these students from Comstock but many of from all around the United States and some from around the world. Please be patient with us as we make changes to work smarter and streamline learning and fun.

7 64 Total Staff 24 New to Isbell 1 in 2.6 are new Staff
We are telling you this because even though we are an established school, we are also like a new school in many ways. Again, please be patient with us as we all learn procedures and routines with our students.

8 625 + years of experience Collectively we have over 625 years of experience. We are so excited about the strength and experiences our new staff members are bringing with them to enhance our school.

9 At Isbell we build relationships!
Share: We felt that given the newness of our Isbell community it was important to develop a goal pertaining to building relationships. At Isbell we feel relationships are the foundations for every other important thing we do here. As teachers we will Our students will get to new friends, learn how to introduce themselves (greet one another) and celebrate each other, collaborate with each other, handle conflicts and differences, work on and develop social skills, eat with new people at lunch; include peers in activities in and outside of school And we ask that parents include other parents in activities in and outside of school as well and your students build new friendships, attend school events and PTA activities, are aware that some of your child’s new friends may not be in this neighborhood, build relationships with us - we want to get to know you and partner with you. Discuss what this looks like in your class Possible ideas: social and emotional learning zones of regulation 3 R’s - Ready to Learn, Respectful, Responsible classroom meetings see saw building relationships with parents and students we are here for your child

10 At Isbell we use data to help us learn!
Discuss what this looks like in your class - parents, students, teachers - Possible ideas: Students: Academic and personal goals ie: learning math facts - goals, data notebooks, See Saw, any tracking system kids use, CFAs, any accountability pieces for math stations, helping students understand what data is Parents - talk to your students about their goals, respond to see saw, go through your child’s Thursday folder, check your child’s binder Teachers - supporting students with goal setting, monitoring with them, conferencing, accountability, find a tracking system that works with your team/you

11 At Isbell we are responsible for learning!
Discuss what this looks like in your class - parents, students, teachers - Possible ideas: Students: engaged in small group, sustained reading, math stations, following classroom, procedures, coming prepared, completing work, doing best work on work, See Saw, being able to communicate what you learn at school each day, staying motivated, showing effort Parents: Open kids binders, model being prepared, getting students to school on time, talking about academics - career relationship Teachers: Using best practices, collaboration, being prepared, differentiation - meeting each child’s needs; focused in planning, communicating what you need the students to learn at the start of each lesson and at the end of each lesson, being willing to learn, using data, being flexible, purpose with lesson plans

12 Learning Extensions at home
Read every night with your child. Practice their ID/Lunch number. Sight word Practice Counting forwards and backwards, counting by 10’s Writing First and Last Name Refer to hand outs. Remind parents to take them home with them.

13 Q&A

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