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Guidelines – Pre-pitching

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Presentation on theme: "Guidelines – Pre-pitching"— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidelines – Pre-pitching
Please provide confirmation of your participation by the date stipulated in the invitation . Prepare your pitch deck using this sample as a guide. You can add or delete any of the slides given for your actual presentation, however, it is highly recommended that you incorporate most of the slides given in this guide. Please your PowerPoint slides to the Secretariat not later than the Friday before your session. If you fail to submit your slides by the deadline, your slot may be cancelled. Once you have submitted your slides, any revisions submitted over the weekend before your session will be accepted subject to the organiser’s discretion.

2 Guidelines – Pitch Day Please be at the pitching venue at least 10 minutes before your allocated slot. No-shows and last minute cancellations without a suitable reason will be subjected to a cooling-off period of two (2) weeks before being allowed to reschedule the pitching session. You are reminded to adhere strictly to the time limits given. Each company will be given 15 mins to present your slides and another 15 mins will be allocated for Q&A after the presentation. A laptop and laser pointer will be provided for your use. A copy of the slides will be on the laptop for your presentation. To ensure that the pitching session proceeds smoothly, any requests to use your own laptop, USB pen drive etc. will not be entertained. You are welcome to bring prototypes or samples for the panelists to view. Please note that MTDC has a strict No Gift Policy, thus any samples, gifts etc will be returned to you.

3 Guidelines – Post-pitching
You will receive the outcome of your pitching session not more than seven (7) working days after your session. You will be informed of your eligibility to apply for funding/other services from MTDC and inform you of the next steps should you be eligible for funding/services.

4 One Line Description of what your company does
Sample Presentation Company Name & Logo Contact information One Line Description of what your company does Date Presenters

5 The Pain/Problem What is the customer’s pain/problem your product/services is addressing.

6 Current Solution (Competitors)
What are the current competing solutions used to address that pain/problem? What are these competitors’: Strengths Weaknesses

7 Your Solution How will you address the pain/problem?
How different is your solution compared to the currently available competing solutions. What are your solutions: Strengths Weaknesses

8 Technology Explain the technology, secret sauce or underlying magic – in simple terms. Why is it unique, differentiable, and sustainable? How is it protected? Current status of IP Current status of the technology development and demo results

9 Market Segment What are the different segments in the market? – Total Addressable Market (TAM), Specific Addressable Market (SAM), etc.. How big is the opportunity ? What is its rate of growth?

10 Customer Segment What is your “beachhead” or your entry-point customer (EPC)? Profile a typical EPC How big is this entry-point customer segment (EPCS) Why choose this EPCS?

11 Marketing/Sales Strategy
Based on your EPC, how will you reach them (where they hangout, who influence them, channels to be used) Relationship to establish Pricing

12 Next Growth Phase Where will it come from: Expansion of the EPCS?
New customer segment?

13 Revenue Model OR Per Customer Per Widget Revenue: $6,000 COGS: $2,000
Average Customer Buys 10 Widgets per $6,000 Revenue: $6,000 COGS: $2,000 OE: $3,000 PbTD: $1,000 100% 33% 50% 17% Average Customer is Worth $60,000 in Annual Revenue COGS and Operating Expenses $49,800 Profit before Taxes & Depreciation $10,200

14 Financials 5-Year Projections Assumptions: Avg. $xx per sale
In Yr. 1, xx customers Yr. 3 market share: xx% By Yr. 3, xx% from new sales; xx% & from recurring sales Local market only. Does not include future product extensions.

15 Milestones to Date Include major value creations that the company has accomplished, such as major contract signed, testing & certifications done, etc. Please include the grant name, agency providing the grant, date and amount of grant received, if any.

16 Funding Sought How is the company currently being funded.
How much funding the company planning to raise & how will be funds be utilised. Breakdown of the funds: External (bank loans, Venture capital, grants, etc) Internal (shareholders)

17 Deliverables What will be company achieve with the new funds – e.g sales increase, new customers, increase in production capacity, etc.

18 The Company Name of company Date of incorporation
Information on shareholding structure

19 Team Roles & responsibilities – who does what? Why this team:
why are they the best in what they do? Does the team has the skills & experiences required? What are the skill gaps? Skills that are lacking in the current team that need to be addressed & how they will be filled in the future.

20 Q&A

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