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Revision Some Key Points.

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Presentation on theme: "Revision Some Key Points."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision Some Key Points

2 Organisation Make a revision plan. Build in rest times.
Have a break every 20 minutes or so. When you finish a session of revision, pack up and note what you’ve completed, what you’ll do next and when that will be.

3 Memory Break down information into chunks.
Plan to re-revise at intervals, to build long term memory. mind maps teach someone else. Use variety timelines post its memorise to music Carry around mind maps, card notes – memorise anywhere, any time.

4 Environment Do you have a place to study? Does it suit you?
Do you prefer: Revising in silence or with music? Sitting still or moving about? Studying in a variety of places? Form a study group.

5 Look after the physical (and the reptilian brain)
Drink plenty of water – especially the day before an exam. Eat well. Exercise and get enough sleep.

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