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Kingdom Come April 18, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom Come April 18, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom Come April 18, 2010

2 Announcements Parish Picnic – next Sunday Retreat day – sign up today
Its free!!!! Mission camp meeting

3 What is Heaven on Earth?

4 Heaven on Earth is… The Kingdom of God God in our midst
What Jesus came to start God in our midst

5 Bible Where in the Bible does Jesus announce and establish the Kingdom of God? The Gospels

6 Who’s invited?

7 Everyone? Yes, everyone! “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners”

8 Parables What is a parable?
Jesus invites people to the kingdom thru parables. How Jesus teaches and explains

9 Miracles Along with His words, Jesus performs miracles.
What are miracles?

10 Miracles His miracles show: Have you ever experienced a miracle?
The kingdom is at hand Jesus is the King, the Messiah Have you ever experienced a miracle?

11 “He must increase and I must decrease”
The Choice Jesus offers the kingdom But there is a choice, to enter the kingdom you must give everything “He must increase and I must decrease”

12 How to give everything Live the Gospel Trust Jesus Love Jesus
Serve Jesus Live the Gospel See Matthew chapter 5 for how to behave.

13 And next….. Grab a paper. Read it quietly.
Find others with the same miracle and sit with them.

14 Discussion questions What jumped out to you in this passage? Why?
What do you think Jesus was trying to communicate to us through this miracle? Do you believe that God still performs miracles? Why? Why don’t miracles happen all the time? Whenever we want them to? What is Jesus telling us about the Kingdom of God through his miracles?

15 Challenge Read Matthew chapter 5

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