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Presentation on theme: "KING The and KINGDOM His."— Presentation transcript:

1 KING The and KINGDOM His

2 The Kings Messengers – Matthew 10
The Messengers the King chose – v2-4 Ordinary people Extraordinarily diverse

3 Not many of you were wise or influential or of noble birth
Not many of you were wise or influential or of noble birth! But God chose the foolish to shame the wise, the weak to shame the strong, the people others count as nothing to confound the people that think they are something! 1 Corinthians 1

4 The Kings Messengers – Matthew 10
The Messengers the King chose – v2-4 Ordinary people Extraordinarily diverse Before they spoke for the King they spent time with the King! Mk 3:13-14

5 The Kings Messengers – Matthew 10
The Messengers the King chose – v2-4 The Mission they were sent on - v5-7 Message of words - v7 Ministry of deeds - v8  

6 The Kings Messengers – Matthew 10
The Messengers the King chose – v2-4 The Mission they were sent on - v5-7 Mission Supplies – v9-15 KISS! Value our mission above our possessions

7 The Kings Messengers – Matthew 10
The Messengers the King chose – v2-4 The Mission they were sent on - v5-7 Mission Supplies – v9-15 Mission Realities - v16-25 & 34-39 Expect it to be tough

8 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA

9 The Kings Messengers – Matthew 10
The Messengers the King chose – v2-4 The Mission they were sent on - v5-7 Mission Supplies – v9-15 Mission Realities - v16-25 & 34-39 Expect it to be tough Three likely sources of opposition: The state - v18 The church – v17 The family - v34f

10 The Kings Messengers – Matthew 10
The Messengers the King chose – v2-4 (Ordinary and Diverse) The Mission they were sent on - v5-7 (Word and deed) Mission Supplies – v9-15 (KISS) Mission Realities - v16-25 & (It will be tough) Encouragement for Messengers - v26- 31 ‘I’m watching over you’

11 KING KINGDOM His The and Coffee conversation:
In what ways do you think things have changed in our country, and how as Christians, and as a church, must we adapt to this?


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