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One Web Update.

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Presentation on theme: "One Web Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Web Update

2 Editor Resources

3 Editor Resources

4 Editor Resources

5 Platform Updates Where to find update news

6 Platform Updates

7 Three Column Portlet

8 Product Pages Added additional portlet areas on product root, product category and product page Image ratio improvements The slideshow on product pages now acts the same in mobile view as it does on desktop The main slideshow image has aspect ratio 2:1 on all devices

9 Product Pages All page types now allowed in product tree structure
The Standard page will still be shown in the navigation but not on the Product category page. 

10 Product pages Multiple Product Root Pages!
Now possible to enable multiple product root pages on one website Accommodate ASSA ABLOY branded websites ASSA ABLOY Wood Doors ASSA ABLOY Architectural Accessories & Door Trim

11 Distributor Finder Improvements
Possibility to sponsor distributors, to make them appear first in list when within the search area. Additional search radiuses (10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500 km and their equivalents in miles) and possibility to set a default search radius to be preselected. Possibility to add an error message if the visitor do not enter a search value. New map design, including improved clustering on the map.

12 In-Line Styles Full WYSIWYG editor has been added to the Quote and Infographics portlets Allows modification of the content in these portlets

13 Ongoing Issues Product Cache Latency issues corrected
All users will get the updated information after maximum 20 minutes

14 Ongoing Issues /en/ to /cs/ 404 error Changing from:
Issue escalated for further investigation

15 Support Constructive views on performance: What have they done well?
Note: it can be about a particular ticket, an individual or a specific Team, etc. What needs improving? Note: Include example such as ticket no. if possible please.

16 RedMine Development Campaign landing page
Increase conversion rates (Studies show that CR can actually double by removing navigation elements) Optimize Cost-per-Conversion One Goal per Campaign (Reduce distractions, Press releases, Videos usw.) Channel targeted traffic (Keyword searches) Design flexibility Total Cost (Approx): €

17 RedMine Development Conditional downloading
Requires action by website visitor

18 Stats September 2016 Google Analytics

19 Personnel Update The One Web HO team now consists of: Jenny Ström
Web Application Specialist Development, Documentation, Communication  Johan Nilsson Technical Web Application Specialist Roll-outs, Domains/redirects/latency, Third-party integrations/tools

20 Platform Updates Look for new releases every 6 weeks
2017 release schedule still pending Development requests Share your development needs

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