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Master Dissertation Supervisor Olivier Bertrand

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1 Master Dissertation Supervisor Olivier Bertrand

2 WHO AM I ?   : Assistant professor, Université de Toulouse 1 Sciences Sociales, France : Post-doctoral fellowship at the IUI - The Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm, Sweden : PhD thesis in economics at the University of Paris I Sorbonne (France) supervised by Pr. Jean-Louis Mucchielli. Title: “Determinants and effects of cross-border M&A: Empirical and theoretical applications to the M&A wave” : Research scholar and teaching assistant at the University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne : D.E.A in International and Development Economics, University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne : Admission to the highest French competitive examination for teachers in France (Agrégation externe) in economics and management : Admission to the Ecole Normale Supérieur (Cachan) : Maîtrise of applied economics (major in international economics), University of Paris IX Dauphine.

3 RESEARCH TOPICS   1. Mergers and Acquisitions 2. Multinational Firms and Foreign Direct Investment 3. Competition Policy 4. Internationalization of R&D and Innovation

4 PAST RESEARCH Domestic versus Cross-Border Acquisitions: Which Impact on the Target Firms’ Performance, with Habib Zitouna, Applied Economics, vol.40, N°17,   European Competition Policy in International Markets, with Marc Ivaldi, in Fragmented Power: Europe and the Global Economy, edited by André Sapir, Bruegel,   Location Choices of Multinational Firms: The Case of Mergers and Acquisitions, with Jean-Louis Mucchielli and Habib Zitouna, Journal of Economic Integration, vol.22, N°1,   R&D and M&A: are cross-border M&A different? An investigation on OECD countries, with Pluvia Zuniga, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol.24, N°2,   Trade Liberalization and Industrial Restructuring: the role of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, with Habib Zitouna, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, vol.15, N°2,   On the Effects of Economic Integration on Greenfield Investments and cross-border M&A location pattern, Journal of Economic Integration, vol.20, N°1, 2005.

5 WORKING PAPERS Effects of Foreign Acquisitions on R&D Activity: Some Evidence from Firm-level data.   Efficiency Gains and Foreign Takeovers: Remoteness Matters, with Habib Zitouna. Should R&D Champions be Protected from Foreign Takeovers? , with Katariina Hakkala, Pehr-Johan Norbäck and Lars Persson.   Do domestic acquisitions enhance export performance ?   Evaluating the role of coordination and information costs in international business transactions at a macroeconomic level: the missing factor, with Habib Zitouna.

6 ON-GOING RESEARCH International M&A and Domestic Performance, with Laurence Capron.   Cartel and M&A in Developing Countries, with Marc Ivaldi (UNCTAD project).   M&A and Upstream-Downstream Linkages, with Fabian Bergès-Sennou and Zohra Bouamra-Mechemache.   M&A and Outsourcing.   Merger Risk: Some Evaluation, with Nicolas Nalpas.   Assessment of Gains from Cross-border Mergers, with Marc Ivaldi and Jrissy Motis.

7 M&A RESEARCH PROGRAM M&A in Russia: a) Local market of corporate control and domestic M&A. b) International acquisitions from Russian MNE and their process of internationalization. Topic could be extended to emerging markets (e.g. Mexico, Brazil, China). Perspective: Economics, Corporate Finance, Strategic Management Joint Methodologies: a) Construction of dataset and empirical investigation (basic statistics, econometrics) b) Case studies and interviews

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