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Do Now!! Tag in, put your phone away and Take your headphones off.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now!! Tag in, put your phone away and Take your headphones off."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now!! Tag in, put your phone away and Take your headphones off.
Take out your homework/paragraphs/answers to the questions in the packet – please turn these in the basket in the front of the room.   10M - Write me a note if I still need to grade your Africa map. Write the LT and SC from the white board onto your handout. Take out your table of contents and write today’s date and what we are doing today.

2 Snapshot – Write the LT and sc down.
Why are we learning it? To show how colonization impacts the communities who are occupied by a foreign nation. Social of ASPIRE How do we know we know it? SC We can write CD's and CM's about the effects of colonialism in Rwanda OR summarize the effects of colonization in Rwanda in a paragraph using key-terms. What are we learning? LT We will understand that the Belgians used the strategy of Divide and Rule in Rwanda by setting up a social hierarchy.

3 HOMEwork paragraph Take out your homework assignment – the TS's, CD's and CM's you wrote about Africa based on the maps. Take a quick look at the scoring guide at the bottom of the sheet. Read the scoring guide, then read your paragraph.  Please write the score you think you should get next to the scoring guide. Then write your name on your packet and turn the entire packet in – put it in the 10M basket at the front of the classroom.

4 Ethnic Hierarchy in RWANDA (Social Status)
With your elbow partner discuss the following question: What is a "hierarchy," and how does this status impact the lives of people who are classified by their religion, race, gender or ethnicity?

5 Colonialism in ~ Rwanda ~
The Social effects

6 Where is Rwanda? Central Africa (Tropic Rainforest) Capital: Kigali
               Central Africa (Tropic Rainforest) Capital: Kigali Current Population: ~ 12 Million Major Exports: Coffee (80% of all exports), tea, tin

7 Map of Rwanda

8 The Beginning of Colonization in Rwanda
1886: Germany invades and occupies  Rwanda  1916: Belgium occupies Rwanda 1926: Belgians introduce a system of ethnic identity cards differentiating Hutus from Tutsis purposefully/legally dividing the population Did the process of “Divide and Rule” take place quickly?

9 Rwanda

10 Rwandan ID card issued in the 1920s to differentiate Hutus from Tutsis

11 Differences Between Hutu & Tutsi?
• The Rwandan population is mainly made up of two groups, the Hutu’s (85%) and the Tutsi’s (14%).  The Twa are 1% or less of the population.  • Most of the Rwandan population belong to the Hutu ethnic group, traditionally crop- growers. • Tutsis were typically cattle herdsmen and tended to be taller and have lighter skin than the Hutus.  (Their appearance made them favored by the Belgians.) •For over 600 years the two groups worked and traded together to the benefit of each other.   BELGIAN colonization of Rwanda disrupted this culture.   

12 Who did the Belgians put in power?
To maintain control in colonial Rwanda the Belgians implemented a system called DIVIDE AND RULE.  According to the Belgians, Tutsis were closer to being "white," so the Tutsis were put into power to control the much larger Hutu population. Tutsis were put into government jobs and other positions of power. According to the Belgians, Hutus were stronger than the Tutsis but not as smart. Due to this belief the Hutus were forced to work as farmers or other jobs requiring manual labor.  

13 Colonialism effects on rwanda Take notes on the post it note!!!

14 Colonialism and its effects on RWANDA - take notes on the post it note!!
Rwandan History – Pre-Genocide  Excerpt from "Do Scars Ever Fade" Z_uo0no

15 Summarize your daily notes
5 minutes In the space at the bottom of back of your notetaking sheet (where it is numbered 1 – 5), please answer the following question: Which CD's (facts) from your notes are the most important for understanding the social connections between Rwanda and colonialism?  Why are they important?

16 10m - Your Assignment: Each of you has received a reading on the history of Rwandan and the SOCIAL effects of Belgian colonization and occupation.   Go to the front of the classroom – choose the copy of the article that best suits your reading Level: B = Beginner I = Intermediate A = Advanced Then go back to your seat.

17 10m - Your Assignment: Then Annotate your article – there are also instructions on your handout:  # the paragraphs Highlight the main ideas Write 1-2 connections in the left-hand margin per page – colonialism, ASPIRE, etc... Write 1-2 questions in the right-hand margin per page After reading each section, stop and write a summary of the most important CD's from the section.  Try to explain how they are important for understanding colonialism (CM). **Write at least one CD per section.  6.  For Advanced – You may need to change the title of the sections in your article.       

18 Your Assignment: Each of you has received a reading on the history of Rwandan and the SOCIAL effects of Belgian colonization and occupation.   Go to the front of the classroom – choose the copy of the article that best suits your reading Level: B = Beginner I = Intermediate A = Advanced Then Annotate your article – there are also instructions on your :  # the paragraphs Highlight the main ideas Write 1-2 connections in the left-hand margin per page – colonialism, ASPIRE, etc... Write 1-2 questions in the right-hand margin per page After reading each section we will fill in the box at the bottom of each page with:          *A Concrete Detail (CD) from the page that you think is important A Commentary  (CM) - this explains how the CD is important for understanding the SOCIAL connection to colonialism is Rwanda. OR  Write summary at the bottom of each page 

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