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Erosional Forces SCIENCE TIPS.

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1 Erosional Forces SCIENCE TIPS

2 # /27/12 What are glaciers? Your lab states that glaciers move under the force of two things…what are they? Explain 2 ways that glaciers erode rock. Give 3 examples of glacial erosional features.

3 # /27/12 Describe the 2 different ways that glaciers move. (think of what you modeled in lab part 1 and 2) Did the middle of the sides of the glacier move faster? Explain.

4 # /2/12 This glacial landform marks the farthest point that the glacier advanced. It is made of till. Small inland lakes in Michigan most likely formed from ________________________. When digging in your Michigan garden, you find the soil to have many different sized particles in it (unsorted). This type of sediment is most likely: Which illustration most closely matches the pattern of Michigan’s moraines? (draw the correct answer)

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