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Reasons for European Migrations to the Americas in the 17c

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1 Reasons for European Migrations to the Americas in the 17c

2 The Push to Leave Home In Europe
Escape from religious persecution. Anxiety about political change in Europe. Dismay over economy; need for farmland and jobs. Restlessness/desire for adventure.

3 The Pull To Settle America
Word-of-mouth information about America. Effective work and writing by recruiters. Appeal of land and economic opportunities. Hope of educating and converting Natives.

4 English Migration:

5 Times Are Good… Colonies supply food and raw materials to England.
Colonists buy a lot of finished products from England. England leaves Colonies alone… Everybody Is Happy.

6 Triangular Trade

7 Diverse Colonial Economies
Southern Colonies = based on staple crops. Tobacco, rice, and cotton. Slaves continue to come in to supply the labor. Middle Colonies = farming (wheat, barley, rye) and commerce (merchants, traders, crafts). New England Colonies = small farms, fishing, and overseas trade. Slaves not really needed. What is the significance of this?

8 Things Begin To Change English Civil War breaks out in mid-1600’s
While England dealing with war, Colonists are ignored. They learn to be independent. Salutary Neglect. England’s economy is damaged so they look to the Colonies to fix it and make them wealthy again. England comes up with Navigation Act

9 Navigation Acts Colonists could only buy things from England.
Had to trade with only England. Colonies had to use English ships to transport their stuff…had to pay rent for using the ships. Angry over the Navigation Act. Angry because England starts sending rulers to Colonies to establish English law.

10 Westward Expansion Mid-1700s
People begin to feel crowded. Colonists moved towards lands that belonged to Native Americans and the French. Native Americans forced on lands that belonged to other native groups. French begin to build more forts and strengthen up.

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