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Unit 13 Disassembling and investigating a Textile product

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1 Unit 13 Disassembling and investigating a Textile product
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2 Your checklist of tasks to do
Take part in a discussion about the reasons for product disassembly From a given range choose and item to disassemble Sketch the product before disassembly disassemble the product sketch the component parts label the parts annotate the sketch to indicate the function of at least one par name at least one textile used in the product identify one reason why the textile used is a good choice suggest one possible development which could be made to the product to improve its function

3 Outcome 1 You have taken part in a discussion about product disassembly. State one thing you said in this discussion. Outcome 2 Choose from the following list what you are going to disassemble. Bag Scarf T shirt Jeans I have chosen to take apart the …..

4 Outcome 3 Sketch the …. before you start.

5 Outcome 4,5,6, 7 4) Take the product apart carefully 5) sketch the parts 6) label them 7) say on your sketch what each part does.

6 Outcome 8 Name one textile used in the product you have taken apart.
The textile used is Outcome 9 Why is this material used?

7 Outcome 10 Suggest one improvement to the product you have disassembled that would have made it work better.

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