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MONTANA FCCLA 2013-2014 Involvement in FCCLA’s Competitive Events programs offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop.

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Presentation on theme: "MONTANA FCCLA 2013-2014 Involvement in FCCLA’s Competitive Events programs offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop."— Presentation transcript:

1 MONTANA FCCLA Involvement in FCCLA’s Competitive Events programs offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life necessary in families, communities, and workplaces. Members can demonstrate family and consumer sciences skills, career skills, and interpersonal skills through the following competitive events.

2 The Four Categories of FCCLA Competitive Events
Skill Demonstration Events (Clusters) STAR Events FCS Knowledge Bowl (Clusters) FCCLA Contests The Four Categories of FCCLA Competitive Events Competitive events is the umbrella for all competitions in FCCLA. Under the umbrella are 4 separate areas of competition: 1. Skill Demonstration Events 2. STAR Events 3. Family & Consumer Sciences Knowledge Bowl and 4. FCCLA National contests. We will look at each of these areas and what is found in them.

3 Foundational Leadership Career Preparation Online Events
Star Events is one of the categories under competitive events. it is broken up into another four categories: Foundational, Leadership, Career Preparation and Online.

4 Foundational Events Career Investigation Focus on Children
Interpersonal Communications Job Interview Entrepreneurship (not offered in MT this year) Leadership Environmental Ambassador Life Event Planning Focus on Children Nutrition & Wellness Illustrated Talk Parliamentary Procedure Recycle & Redesign One of the categories is Foundational Events. Foundational events include: List events The Events in red are NOT offered this year, but they will be offered next year. The Events in the light gray font ARE available this year, but will NOT be available next year. The rotation of events allows for more variety. As a competitor though, you must be aware that some events are not offered EVERY year and plan accordingly. 

5 Leadership Events Advocacy Chapter Service Project Display
Chapter Service Project Portfolio– (not offered in MT this year) Chapter in Review Display– (not offered in MT this year) Chapter in Review Portfolio National Programs in Action Promote and Publicize FCCLA– (not offered in MT this year) The second category is Leadership Events which include: List events

6 Career Preparation Events
NEW! Applied Math for Culinary Management Culinary Arts Early Childhood Education - (Not offered in MT this year) Fashion Construction - (Not offered in MT this year) Fashion Design Food Innovations Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation Interior Design- (Not offered in MT this year) Sports Nutrition - (Not offered in MT this year) Teach & Train- (Not offered in MT this year) And the last category is Career Preparation. The events include: list events Two new Career Preparation events are Applied Math for Culinary Management and Sports Nutrition! YAY! NEW!

7 Online STAR Events Chapter Website Digital Stories for Change
No Kid Hungry National Outreach Project Virtual Poster NEW! Online STAR Events include: (list events)

8 Online STAR Events Phase I – Chapters submit online entries to be evaluated by professionals across the country Phase II – Top participants in each event will be invited to compete at the National Leadership Conference Phase III – An in-person, oral presentation component is added There are three Phases to this event.

9 FCS Knowledge Bowl FCS knowledge bowl is another competitive event where students answer questions based on Family & Consumer Sciences and FCCLA facts. Teams consist of five members. This is a great opportunity for students to get involved. To qualify you must compete at Clusters for a chance to go to Nationals in San Antonio, TX.

10 Family and Consumer Sciences Knowledge Bowl (@ Clusters)
Level 1 Individual/ Chapter General Knowledge (at NCM) Team Knowledge/ Individual Strengths (at NCM) Level 2 Single Elimination (at NCM) Level 3 Pool Play and Finals (at NLC) There are many levels of FACS knowledge bowl. The first level is a individual level or chapter general knowledge that is then followed by the team knowledge and individual strengths. The second level consists of a single elimination round and the third level is pool play and finals.

11 Knowledge Bowl Topics Family, Career, & Community Studies
Early Childhood & Human Development Food Sciences, Dietetics, & Nutrition Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation Fashion & Housing Design FCCLA Knowledge The topics covered in the Knowledge Bowl include: (list topics).

12 Knowledge Bowl vs. Montana Knowledge Quest
Level 1 starts at the National Cluster Meeting and Level 3 ends at the National Leadership Conference. MT Knowledge Quest Starts at the District meeting and ends at the State Leadership Conference. New this year – Chapter teams! Now don’t get Knowledge bowl confused with knowledge quest. NLC SLC (states not to scale :) )

13 Skill Demonstration Events
Skill Demonstration Events are also part of Competitive Events Category. These events provide opportunities for members to demonstrate college and career-ready skills in Family and Consumer Sciences and related occupations. Competition takes place at National Cluster Meetings.

14 Skill Demonstration Events 2013-14 (Only @ Clusters)
Culinary Chicken Fabrication Culinary Food Art Culinary Knife Skills Culinary Math Challenge Consumer Math Challenge FCCLA Creed Speaking & Interpretation Impromptu Speaking Speak Out for FCCLA Toys that Teach NEW! NEW! ThREE NEW! The skill demonstration events include: List Events. These Events are available at National Cluster Meetings. NEW!

15 Contests The national contests are the last category under competitive events. For the past few years students have been able to compete in contests in which they can get recognized at Nationals. FCCLA contests allow students to use creativity to express their FCCLA spirit.

16 2012-2013 (Last Year’s) National Contests
New Contests will be announced! (Last Year’s) National Contests Otis Spunkmeyer O-riginal Recipe Contest FCCLA Week Poster Design Contest The national contest(s) include a FCCLA Week poster design contest, For more information go onto the national website at Go to: for rules and more information. New Contests will be posted there. Get involved – it always makes things more FUN!

17 New State Contest! State Leadership Poster Contest
Prizes for top entry!! Rules on MT FCCLA website Posters Due Dec. 15th Enter online! The national contest(s) include a FCCLA Week poster design contest, For more information go onto the national website at

18 Let the community know what you did!
Press releases are available on the national FCCLA website. Go to: Or click on the FCCLA logo and open the hyperlink

Competitive Events help you better understand your family your community your career and YOURSELF! You can compete in two STAR events if chosen one partner and one solo, including online STAR events YOU CAN DO IT!! WE BELIEVE IN YOU. Involvement in FCCLA’s Competitive Events programs offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life necessary in families, communities, and workplaces. Members can demonstrate family and consumer sciences skills, career skills, and interpersonal skills through the following competitive events.

20 Check it out and get involved!
Thanks for listening! Check it out and get involved! Involvement in FCCLA’s Competitive Events programs offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life necessary in families, communities, and workplaces. Members can demonstrate family and consumer sciences skills, career skills, and interpersonal skills through the following competitive events. Made by your current State Officer of Competitive Events, Ellen Guyer

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