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ProF Progress Test Feedback.

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1 ProF Progress Test Feedback

2 ProF – Progress test Feedback

3 Broad test at graduation level Same for all students at all levels
What is a progress test? Broad test at graduation level Same for all students at all levels At regular intervals (e.g. 4 / year) Relative standards, formula scoring Allows to measure progress Gives detailed information

4 Selfdirected learning, reflection:
ProF goals Selfdirected learning, reflection: students analyse their longitudinal results Compare results to peers Discover strong and weak points Mentoring / portfolio Teaching Benchmarking

5 Given: progress test result data
ProF functionality Given: progress test result data ProF fills central data warehouse with aggregates, prognoses, etc ProF offers an online interactive user interface for students and staff Dashboard allows free navigation




9 Configurable per consortium Linked to SURF conext
ProF Architecture SAAS, cloud based Three parts Import / computation module Data warehouse User interface + web analytics (Piwik) Configurable per consortium Linked to SURF conext

10 Track record Medicine - iVTG (12.000 users)
UM, LUMC, UMCG, UMCN, VU General practicioners (1.900 users) UMCN, LUMC, UMCG, AMC, UMCU, MUMC, UM, Erasmus MC, VUmc Psychology (950 users) UM Negotiations ongoing

11 Jeroen Donkers Frank van de Kamp Contact
Frank van de Kamp

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