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What is MLA? MLA stands for the Modern Language Association

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Presentation on theme: "What is MLA? MLA stands for the Modern Language Association"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is MLA? MLA stands for the Modern Language Association
Sets standards for academic and professional written work

2 Why do we need MLA? Ease of locating information
Provides a chain of reference Reliability of information Assurance of quality Helps us compare “apples to apples”

3 First Page Heading George St. Pierre Mr. Foster English 11B
12 Dec 2012 *The heading for each successive page is placed in the upper right of each page. Last Name, Page #: Pierre, 4

4 Two types of citation In-text citations Works cited pages

5 In-text Citation In-text means just that – the quote or other information occurs IN YOUR TEXT (the body of your paper.) Coordinate that citation with a citation in your Works Cited Page.

6 In-text citation You must acknowledge:
any direct quote or information of the same substance any information that you use that would not be of common or general knowledge statistics, charts, graphs, etc.

7 Coordination Your in-text citation MUST coordinate with a citation on your Works Cited page. In-text: Whenever the verdicts were set, “the witches were hung at dawn” (Miller 16). Works Cited: Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. Putnam. New York Print.

8 Works Cited Each in-text, shortened, citation has its full citation on this page. The citations are alphabetical by the first word of the citation. The first line of the citation is left-justified; remaining lines are indented. (This is called a “hanging indent”.) You no longer need the URL unless it would be difficult to locate your item online.

9 Leyrer, 8 Works Cited Anderson, Kyle. “Apples and Oranges”. Fruit Monthly. 29 Aug print. Brown, Neil. “Baking Pies”. 10 Oct web. “Apples”. Food 10 Sep Image. 2 Oct 2009. < “Wooden Cookware”. Emeril’s Kitchen. n.p. November Web. 10 Oct 2009.

10 M.I.T.T.R (Most Important Things to Remember!)
MLA rules exist to keep everyone honest. Be sure to include citations for EVERY item you use that someone else worked for. Practice perfection.

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