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In terms of your grades being posted yesterday…

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Presentation on theme: "In terms of your grades being posted yesterday…"— Presentation transcript:

1 In terms of your grades being posted yesterday…

2 Agenda Verbs Bell Ringer Class Procedures Major Keys
OneDrive…. I know, I know. I can conduct myself like a polite, respectful human being.

3 Procedures Listen and follow along with the handout provided.
Keep track of those LATE PASSES! I’m not going to give you anymore… I’ll keep track of the ones you used with my gradebook, so don’t try any funny business.

4 Major Keys Bless up What will your TOP 10 major keys to success be?
BTW, I’m going to post them outside of my door

5 OneDrive In the lab… Take pictures of graded work and them to yourself. Add the FINAL and any other tests/quizzes, notes, daily work, etc. Upload them into the correct folder.

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