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Your Classroom Edition!

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Presentation on theme: "Your Classroom Edition!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Classroom Edition!
5th Grade Math Review Your Classroom Edition!

2 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

3 Fractions Question 1 What fraction is greater 3/5 or 4/8?

4 Fractions Answer 1 3/5

5 Fractions Question 2 What is 1/3 plus 2/3?

6 Fractions Answer 2 One

7 Division Question 1 What is 97 divided by 3?

8 Division Answer 1 32 Remainder 1

9 Multiplication Question 1
25 x 5

10 Multiplication Answer

11 Multiplication Question 2
12 x 11

12 Multiplication Answer 2

13 Geometry Question 1 What kind of triangle has one angle that measures 90 degrees?

14 Geometry Answer1 What kind of triangle has different lengths on each side?

15 Math Vocabulary Question 1
What is the difference in the largest and smallest numbers on a list of numbers?

16 Math Vocabulary Answer 1

17 Multiplications Question 3
25 X 40

18 Multiplication Answer 3

19 Triangles Question 1 What kind of triangle has an angle less than 90 degrees ?

20 Triangles Answer 1 Acute

21 Math Vocabulary Question 1
What term defines the when a number or numbers appear most often in a list of data?

22 Math Vocabulary Answer 1

23 Million Dollar Question Grade Level Topic 11

24 1,000,000 Question What are line that intersect at right angles called?

25 1,000,000 Answer Perpendicular

26 Thanks for Playing

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