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ID Cards On an index card, write the key term, person, place or event on one side. On the other side write a definition or description of that key term.

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Presentation on theme: "ID Cards On an index card, write the key term, person, place or event on one side. On the other side write a definition or description of that key term."— Presentation transcript:

1 ID Cards On an index card, write the key term, person, place or event on one side. On the other side write a definition or description of that key term. Persian Empire Athenian democracy Greco-Persian Wars Hellenistic Era Alexander the Great Augustus Pax Romana Qin Shihuangdi Chandragupta Maurya Ashoka Maurya Gupta Empire Xiongnu Wu Ti (Wu Di) Satrapies Cyrus the Great Darius Han dynasty Mauryan Empire Ashoka Rock and Pillar Edicts Legalism Confucianism Daoism Vedas Upanishads Siddhartha Gautama Theravada Bantu migration Mound builders Athens Sparta Polis Silk Road Mahayana Bhagavad Gita Zoroastrianism Judaism Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Jesus of Nazareth Paul of Tarsus Caste system Scholar gentry class Yellow Turban Uprising Helots Meroe Axum Peloponnesian War Great Royal War Julius Caesar Punic Wars Constantine Diocletian Delian League Patricians Plebeians Twelve Tables Edict of Milan Christianity Hinduism Buddhism Moche Chavin Maya Pericles

2 ID Cards Activities 1. Matching 2. Chronological Order 3. By Theme/GRAPES 4. By Importance

3 WHAP Exam Review Period 2
600 B.C.E. to around 600 C.E. Chapters 3-6

4 Key Concepts The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions The Development of States and Empires Emergence of Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange

5 The Big Picture Think Themes! See AP syllabus Think GRAPES!
Change---What causes change? Human Interaction with Environment---Where do they live? Why they move? Defense? How do civilizations interact with others? Technology? Comparison---What similarities and differences can we find between these Classical civilizations?

6 Classical: Mesoamerica
Maya, 300 B.C.E. to 800 C.E. Southern Mexico and other parts of Central America Collection of city-states ruled by the same king Pyramids, hieroglyphics, complex calendar, city planning, Tikal, Chichen Itza, ball game Religion: 3 worlds, gods made people out of maize, sacrifices, blood-letting Wars to acquire slaves, no beasts of burden Social classes: most people were peasants/slaves Cotton and maize, good agricultural practices

7 Classical=India Mauryan Empire: founded by Chandragupta Maurya, grandson Ashoka Maurya was its greatest leader (Rock and Pillar Edicts, spread Buddhism), trade! Gupta Dynasty: Chandra Gupta, decentralized and smaller than Mauryan, peace and advances in arts and sciences (pi and ‘arabic’ numerals), women losing rights

8 Classical: China Qin Dynasty: short, strong economy based on agriculture, powerful army, iron weapons, grew, Great Wall of China united, legalism Qin Shihuangdhi---emperor, standardized laws, currencies, weights, measures, writing--- burned books, killed scholars (legalism) Han Dynasty: WuTi —warrior emperor, enlarged China, Trade thrived on Silk Road, civil service exam based on Confucianism, invented paper, sundials, calendars, used metals

9 Classical= Greece Land=mountainous, peninsula, no major rivers, no large scale agriculture, harbors, sea, mild weather Athens and Sparta=city-states/poleis, very different Democracy, Aristocracy, Oligarchy Mythology=Many gods/polytheists Persian Wars leads to Golden Age of Pericles in Athens and Delian League which leads to Peloponnesian War Philosophers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Alexander the Great: Father conquered/united Greeks, he conquered Persian Empire, Hellenism, land split into Antigonid, Ptolemaic, and Seleucid empires

10 Classical= Rome Mythology: like the Greeks, polytheists
Patricians/Plebeians (like the Greeks too) Twelve Tables of Rome Social Structure: pater familias, patriarchal, slavery important Roman Empire spread by military domination, Punic Wars First Triumvirate= Pompey, Crassus, Caesar Caesar became “emperor for life”, assassinated Second Triumvirate= Octavius, Marc Antony, Lepidus----Octavius became dictator (Caesar Augustus) Pax Romana---Can you compare this to other golden ages in other empires? Christianity!

11 Late Classical c.e. Collapse of empires such as Han, Gupta, Roman, Maya Maya: ??? Disease, drought, internal unrest/warfare, expanding population too much for environment? Han China: Wang Mang, land redistribution unsuccessful, famines, floods, war on edge of civilization, China is divided for a time into regional kingdoms

12 Late Classical 200-600 c.e. Gupta India: invaded by the White Huns
Rome: western half, remember “Who killed Mama Roma?”, Diocletian divided it in 284, Constantine moved capital to Byzantium, invasions brought final end. Fall of Empire: Comparisons?

13 Silk Road World becoming “smaller” by trade and connection
What travels on trade routes besides goods to be traded? Silk Roads---over land and sea

14 Major Belief Systems Polytheism Confucianism Daoism Legalism Hinduism
Buddhism Judaism Christianity Zoroastrianism

15 Technology Stirrup Architecture-temples, Greek columns, Roman arch and aqueducts, theaters, stadiums Paper Record keeping- math, sundial Others?

16 Role of Women All patriarchal Upper-class/elite women more restricted
Veiling In Buddhism and Christianity, women were equal in faith but not in Hinduism and Confucianism

17 Big Picture Civilizations---Golden Ages? Civilizations---Falls?
Change---trade, conquest, spread of belief systems, technology (innovation vs. adoption) Human Interaction with Geography---how did they change their surroundings to meet their needs, human need to control/explain nature, in religion too (protection to internal peace)

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