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Intro/Perception of Drugs

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1 Intro/Perception of Drugs
2/3 high school students prefer to date someone who does not use drugs or alcohol

2 Over 70% of students are not using drugs…


4 Perceptions Describe how perceptions influence a person’s decision to use or not use. Why do you think our perceptions of use are typically skewed?

5 Intro Drug- A substance other than food that changes the way the mind or body functions. Medicine- drug used to treat, prevent, or diagnose illness.

6 Responsible drug use is using a drug for in the prescribed way.
Intro Responsible drug use is using a drug for in the prescribed way. Misuse is the incorrect use of a prescription or OTC drug. Drug abuse is the intentional use of a drug without medical or health reasons

7 Progression to Drug Dependency: Stage 1
Experimentation To feel good To feel better To do better Curiosity Will this give me what I want?

8 Stage 2: Desired Effect Person enjoys feeling; continues using
positive feedback and encouragement from peers They feel good They feel better They do better

9 ATOD Euphoria: “high”; sense of well-being and pleasure brought on by some drugs. Dysphoria: unpleasant feelings that often follow drug-induced euphoria; “crash”

10 Stage 3: Tolerance Tolerance: The body becomes used to a substance. A person needs more of a drug to produce the desired effect. Possible Withdrawal--Unpleasant reactions that occur when a person who is physically dependent on a drug no longer takes it.

11 Stage 4: Denial Does not admit use is causing problems
Blames problems on others Claims they can stop any time Interferes with school, work, friends, family

12 Stage 5: Drug Dependence
“I have to have the drug.” decides to quit, but can’t stick with decision Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain—they change its structure and how it works. These brain changes can be long lasting, and can lead to the harmful behaviors seen in people who abuse drugs- NIDA


14 ATOD Psychological Dependence: a strong desire to continue using a drug for emotional reasons. Physical Dependence: person develops tolerance to a drug and drug becomes necessary or the person has withdrawal symptoms.

15 Enabling Supporting the harmful behavior of another by “saving” the person from consequences of their behaviors. Examples: ignoring the problem

16 Dysfunctional Families
Often occur when addiction is in the family Often do not talk directly or realistically about what is going on in the family. Lots of blaming for the problem Sometime take on “roles” which help survive the dysfunction Often require some form of “rehab”

17 Roles in a Dysfunctional Family
Chief Enabler-deals with problems caused by addict; tries to make things appear normal. Family Hero-successful, reliable, responsible; tries to do everything right. Scapegoat-child who is blamed; often becomes rebellious and uses drugs. Joker or mascot-relieves tension by being funny or sarcastic. Lost Child-does not get in the way, avoids conflict, quiet.

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