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Qualitative Observation

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Presentation on theme: "Qualitative Observation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualitative Observation
Science A way of learning about he natural world and the knowledge gained through the process Observing The process of using one or more of your senses to gather information Qualitative Observation An observation that deals with characteristics that cannot be expressed in numbers Quantitative Observation An observation that deals with a number of amount Inferring The process of making an inference an interpretation based on observations and prior knowledge

2 Predicting Classification Making Models Life Science
The process of forecasting what will happen based on past experience or evidence Classification The process of grouping things based on their similarities Making Models The process of creating representations of complex objects or processes Life Science The study of living things Scientific Inquiry The diverse ways in which a scientist studies the natural world and proposes explanations based on the evidence gathered

3 Controlled Experiment
Hypothesis A possible explanation for a set of observations or answer to a scientific question Variable A factor in an experiment that can change Controlled Experiment An experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at a time Manipulated Variable The one factor that a scientist changes during an experiment Responding Variable The factor that changes as a result of changes to the manipulated variable

4 Operational Definition
A statement that describes how to measure a particular variable or how to define a particular term Data Facts, figures and other evidence gathered through observations Communicating The process of sharing ideas with others through writing or speaking Technology How people modify the world around them to meet their needs or to solve practical problems Engineer A person who is trained to use both technological and scientific knowledge to solve practical problems

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