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Reading Scripture Prophetically

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Scripture Prophetically"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Scripture Prophetically

2 In the Beginning was the Word

3 Jesus reorients all of Scripture toward himself
And Jesus explained to them what was said about himself in all the Scriptures, beginning with the books of Moses and the writings of all the prophets Luke 24: 26

4 Three days later they found Jesus sitting in the temple, listening to the teachers and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was surprised at how much he knew and at the answers he gave. Luke 2: 46–47

5 A Two-Testament Bible Luke 9:30 The law as a gift through Moses
The same gift given through Jesus

6 How the Principle of Christ in all of Scripture Works
The goat will carry all their sins away (Leviticus 16:22)

7 Jesus Christ Endpoint & Fullness of Scripture

8 Scripture can only be Understood through a Participation in Christ

9 Exodus 16: 4; Psalm 78: 24; John 6: 31
THINK Find Jesus! Exodus 16: 4; Psalm 78: 24; John 6: 31

10 PRAY JESUS! Be my bread for the road & let my home, workplace be a breadbasket for others.

11 The Fourth Man in the Furnace
Daniel 3: 25

12 References De Lubac, Henri, S.J. Medieval Exegesis. Vol 1, tr. Mark Sebanc (Edinburgh, 1998–2000) Finan, Thomas & Twomey, Vincent eds. Scriptural Interpretation in the Fathers: Letter and Spirit (Dublin, 1995) Radner, Ephraim, Time and the Word: Figural Reading of the Christian Scriptures (Grand Rapids, 2016) Storer, Kevin, Reading Scripture to Hear God (James Clarke, 2015)

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