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Reading Apprenticeship and Digital Media

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Apprenticeship and Digital Media"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Apprenticeship and Digital Media
Metacognition and Mindfulness: Academic Literacies for the 21st Century Second Annual Regional Reading Apprenticeship® Conference March 11-12, 2016 Caren Kongshaug   

2 Objectives for Workshop
Apply the Reading Apprenticeship instructional framework to reading onscreen Identify preferences, affordances and drawbacks in digital reading Surface and share strategies to improve comprehension Design curricula to support student learning through digital reading

3 We will refer to the following frame work, terms and definitions during this workshop.
hard copy: printed text static digital text: onscreen text without links hyper text: onscreen text with links to additional information

4 Introductions Say your name, and one word that captures how you feel about onscreen reading.

5 THINK PAIR SHARE & Highlights & Debrief
Identity Building through Understanding Your History & Preferences THINK PAIR SHARE & Highlights & Debrief Handout provided

6 Benefits and Limitations to Digital Reading
In groups, work together to fill out the document. Take turns sharing your ideas about the benefits and limitations of digital reading.

7 Highlights & Debrief

8 Consider these Questions
How does reading digital texts differ from reading hard copy text? What are the differences in reading hard copy, static digital text, and hypertext? What are specific strategies & best practices for reading texts online? As we explore our experiences with digital reading, we will naturally begin building schema in this area. This is especially important for our students who do not have much experience with on line reading, or those who only read online for pleasure.

9 Capturing your Reading Process
How do you usually read a static onscreen text? Please read this text.

10 RSL Debrief

11 THINK ALOUD Hyper link text How do I read? How does my partner read?

12 Think Aloud Reading #1 Reading #2

13 RSL

14 Talking to the Text Navigating a Website Explore the following two websites. Use the provided handout to track your reading journey. Reading On Screen Building Bridges University of Califormia at Berkeley

15 Share


17 Create design lesson

18 Wrap up

19 Evaluate

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