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eGovernment Organization Portugal

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1 eGovernment Organization Portugal
EUPAN, Helsinki, Finland 9, 10 November 2006

2 eGovernement and Simplification - Portugal
Since 2005 Ministers Council Presidency. Office for Public Services Reform Ministry of Science and Technology. Knowledge Society Agency coordination of the modernizations policies executes the e‑government policy in collaboration with UCMA Others Ministries Public Bodies development of the strategy UCMA UMIC

3 eGovernement and Simplification - Portugal
Near future Agency for the Administrative Modernization Public Entities Ministers Council Presidency. Office for Public Services Reform (AMA) UCMA Mission Planning, coordination and develop projects in the areas of administrative modernization and electronic government Skills Centers Network administration; Simplification and modernization; Public services distribution; Communication and knowledge Knowledge and Simplification Agents Network The cross-departmental has a contact point in each ministry Incubation Centre is a reflection place to develop ideas and projects of reform and modernization of public services

4 Agency for the Administrative Modernization (AMA)
The Agency is the new instrument to the modern Public Administration, focused on the citizen and partner of business. The Agency’s mission is to plan, develop and evaluate all modernization programmes and projects of e-Administration, as well as to define and coordinate the public politics for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the e-Administration. AMA promotes, coordinates, manages and evaluates the distribution of public services system developed by the national government.

5 Agency for the Administrative Modernization (AMA)
Main areas Network Administration To develop technological structures To define an e-Government strategy that allows to cross information between different public projects; To optimize resources and communication costs promoting the interoperability in the Public Administration; To promote the use of ICT in public acts such as national elections or public decisions processes; To articulate e-Administration projects of national, regional or local government; To develop studies and statistical analyses To evaluate legislative initiatives concerning the e-Administration; To select and monitory projects that involve public investment; To coordinate and evaluate the distribution of communitarian funds To support the Government in the e-Administration strategies and politics definition. Simplification and Modernization To define and cooperate in simplification programs To evaluate legislative initiatives that maintain or create licenses, authorizations or administrative burdens; To study and monitor the applicability of administrative burdens in normative acts; To study and improve the rationalization of the normative resources; To coordinate, monitor and evaluate all normative acts that provide public services simplification. To monitor programs and initiatives that promote the quality of the regulatory environments; To promote quality and simplification changes in normative acts; To promote the audition of citizens, enterprises and associations in the simplification processes; To qualify a cross-departmental group of simplification agents. Agency for the Administrative Modernization (AMA)

6 Agency for the Administrative Modernization (AMA)
Main areas Public services distribution To develop public services focused on the citizen and partner of businesses; To improve the relation between citizens and Public Administration through the interaction of transversal channels; To develop and monitor the citizens attendance in a multi-channel platform, that includes personal visits, voice and web; To promote and manage the national network of services attendance, know as “Citizen’s Shops” and “Businesses Shops” To evaluate the public services quality by measuring the citizen’s satisfaction. Communication and knowledge To develop methods and practical guides about e-Administration; To develop methods, tests, surveys and practical guides to evaluate the regulatory impact; To manage the incubation of public simplification projects, articulating them with the existing public and private knowledge centers; To manage a Common Knowledge Network for the Public Administration; To manage and share all AMA’s documentation to support investigation projects; To participate in national, communitarian or international forums and debates; To establish relations or cooperate with other public or private entities in regard of the European Union and the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries; To develop communication platforms and best practices. Agency for the Administrative Modernization (AMA)

7 Agency for the Administrative Modernization (AMA)
key projects CITIZEN’S CARD The Citizen’s Card is the new identity card for Portuguese citizens. It will also replace the existing taxpayer card, national health service user’s card, social security card and voter’s card, and will combine all the keys that are indispensable to a fast and effective relationship between the citizen and a variety of public services. As a physical document the Citizen’s Card will enable its holder to securely identify him/herself in person. As a technological document it will allow him/her to identify him/herself when dealing with computerised services and to authenticate electronic documents. Several new e-services are expected as: change address for public and private entities, medical doctor appointments scheduling, enterprises creation, apply for university…

8 Agency for the Administrative Modernization (AMA)
key projects CITIZEN’S CARD Given its multiple goals: simplifying combining various cards in one administrative savings security dematerialisation It is one of the main catalysts for the modernisation strategy and, thus, a remarkable element of the Public Administration modernisation policy, set out in the XVII Constitutional Government’s Political Programme. Its multifunctionality will facilitate a multichannel interaction with different public and private services, irrespective of the place he/she is in and the means of communication he/she uses. The Card will employ the maximum physical security guarantees, which will make it difficult for anyone to usurp the holder’s identity. It will ensure its holder’s privacy by not allowing access to any of citizen’s personal data without his/her express permissions.

9 Agency for the Administrative Modernization (AMA)
key projects CITIZEN’S CARD Next Steps The Card will begin to be issued by January of 2007 in a chosen specific target group of one of the country region – Azores Island. The roll out of the project in mainland should take place since the autumn 2007 until the end of 2007 Entities involved The project is being coordinated by UCMA – Office for Public Services Reform UMIC – Knowledge Society Agency is responsible for the operationalisation of the project. Ministry of Justice also makes part of the steering committee for the project. All public offices responsible for the management of the sectorial information systems which are related to the Citizen’s Card, such as civil identification, financial affairs, social security, health and voting are involved in the development of the project.

10 Agency for the Administrative Modernization (AMA)
key projects NEW IN-PERSON SERVICES DELIVERY Citizen’s shops are multi-services areas that gather, in a single space, the main public services. Its model is characterized by the delivering of a several customer services in a single area, although in a departmentalised basis – 9 big citizen’s shops are implemented and 79 small in the municipalities Today, a second generation of citizen’s shops is being developed. This project aims to carry out a set of initiatives which will create a new in-person services delivery channel. This renewed channel is: A place based on single points of contact, where citizens can be given integrated answers, no matter the public services involved in his/her needs; A place were citizens can find answers to an assortment of basic matters or information, not having to be concerned about knowing which is the exact public office that delivers it; A place where citizens can find a consistent answer when they start a process in another channel – web, call centre or - and finish it in person. It also aims to improve the quality of customer service, making citizens’ perception transparent and comparable.

11 Agency for the Administrative Modernization (AMA)
key projects NEW IN-PERSON SERVICES DELIVERY Thus this Project holds a group of initiatives, such as: New customer service models – the definition of the new concepts for one-stop services and the operative process redefinition; Channel integration – the articulation between the in-person channel and the other channels (phone and Internet through Citizen’s Portal), based on a “single sign-on” concept in the relationship between citizen and public services; Adopting quality assessment procedures – the conceiving and monitoring a public service customer satisfaction index - a standardized framework of customer service quality indicators which allows the evaluation of the degree of satisfaction and the comparativeness between services. Entities involved The project is being conceived by UCMA – Office for Public Services Reform, and developed by a working group that includes Knowledge Society Agency - UMIC and the Institute for the Management of Citizen’s one-stop-shops (IGLC).

12 Matilde Cardoso
Thank you Matilde Cardoso

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