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10-B Blood.

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1 10-B Blood

2 IV. Blood Physiology A. Hematopoiesis
1.= ________________ 2. *Location: 3. Cells that begin process = Hemtocytoblast: These cells develop from ___________ Cells *Cells Produced: Primary Control System = *Hormone is ? *Produced in what organ?

3 B. Hemostasis 1. *= define 2. 3 phases a. Vascular Spasms
*Results in Vasoconstriction (via smooth muscle): What is Vasoconstriction? Affect of Vasocronstriction?

4 b. Platelet Plug Formation Platelet Plug = First– Collagen fibers:
Hemostasis … b. Platelet Plug Formation Platelet Plug = First– Collagen fibers: *Result of exposure to Collagen: *Anchored Platelets release? And what is the affect of this: ? platelet plug has formed Collagen exposed Platelet Plug

5 *Damaged Cells release: *Platelets release: These two chemicals react
Hemostasis … c. *Coagulation = First: Many chemical reactions are needed, one after the other to eventually cause coagulation. *Damaged Cells release: *Platelets release: These two chemicals react *What other chemicals are involved in reactions? Finally Thrombin, an enzyme, is produced Thrombin Function: *Normal time to clotting: ? Fibrin Network Fibrin Network

6 Figure 10.7

7 Students do: Blood Disorders
*Thrombus *Embolus *Hemophilia

8 C. Blood Groups and Transfusions
1. Importance of Transfusions a. Loss of > 30 % causes shock b. Transfusions: must be of the same blood group History of Discovery 2. Immune System—Basic Functions a. Antigens = a foreign substance that is usually on the cell surface that the immune system can recognize as foreign and then attack; are typically proteins and glycoproteins b. Antibodies: proteins produced by WBC that attack antigens on Foreign Cells Many different antibodies that are specific to a particular antigen A BB B A A B Z Z Z Z Z Z

9 3. Human Blood Groups a. Red Blood cell surface has genetically determined proteins b. > 30 common RBC surface proteins that act as antigens Some of these are significant because a person’s immune system recognizes them as antigens and vigorously attacks them Transplantation Blood Transfusions ABO Blood Group People are born with the antibodies Rh Factor People are not born with the antibodies, but rather develop them upon exposure to the Rh antigen

10 Human Blood Groups … c. ABO Blood Groups
Based on the presence which two antigens = A & B Type AB blood: A and B antigens present Plasma Antibodies for ________ Type A Blood: A antigen is present Plasma Antibodies for ________ Type B blood: B antigen is present Type O blood: No antigens are present A B B A A A A B B B

11 Emergency Situations– no time to blood type patient
ABO Blood Groups … d. Transfusion issues Emergency Situations– no time to blood type patient Universal Donor: O because the blood cells have no ABO antigens on it Universal Recipient: AB because patient’s immune system does not react to A and B antigens as it does not make A or B antibodies Type B can receive B and O blood Type A can receive A and O blood Non-emergency Situations– have time to blood type Match type of Blood due to cross-reaction of antibodies in the transfused blood

12 ABO Blood Groups Blood Group RBC Antigens Plasma antibodies
Blood that can be received AB A, B None A, B, AB, O Universal recipient B Anti-A B, O A Anti-B A, O O Anti-A, Anti-B Universal donor

13 Human Blood Groups … b. Rh Blood Groups
Presence (+) or absence of the Rh (-) antigens (8 different types) Most Americans: Rh+ = has antigen Rh– people do NOT have the Rh antibodies to start off, but develop them upon exposure to the Rh antigen PROBLEMS Transfusions: Rh- given Rh+ blood Problems in Pregnancy Only in Rh– mothers

14 Rh– Mothers of a Rh+ child…
If Child is Rh- There is no problem as baby does not have the Rh factor, like the mother If Child is Rh+ Normally mother-baby blood does not mix so there is no problem for first Rh+ baby born But immune system is then sensitized to Rh antigen and Rh antibodies are produced by the mother 2nd Rh+ baby, the mother’s Rh antibodies can cross the placenta and reach the Fetus and they attack the fetus’ blood = hemolytic disease of the new-born usually ends in the death of the new-born RhoGAM shot can prevent anti-Rh+ buildup

15 4. Blood Typing Blood type lab tested: by using artificial antibodies that react to antigens that are from the person being tested ABO and Rh blood group antigens are tested A Blood sample is mixed with artificial Antibodies: anti-A, anti-B, and anti-Rh serum Agglutination (clumping of blood cells) indicates that the antigen is present in the person’s blood and indicates what there Blood Type is Usually a person’s blood is Cross matching: both donors and recipients blood tested and the proper blood type is transfused when possible Example: type A only given type A etc …

16 Serum Blood being tested Anti-A Anti-B Type AB (contains
antigens A and B; agglutinates with both A and B artificial antibodies) Agglutinated RBCs Type B (contains antigen B; agglutinates with anti-B serum) Type A (contains antigen A; agglutinates with anti-A serum) Type O (contains no antigens; does not agglutinate with either serum) Figure 10.8

17 V. Developmental Aspects of Blood
Students do: *Sites of blood cell formation in fetus and new-born

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