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Published byAsher Preston Powers Modified over 6 years ago
CA Child Welfare Core Practice Model (CPM) Directors Institute Webinar WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Selection, Training & Coaching Mia Reminder to mute phones; use chat feature for questions during presentation What happens if disconnected or a technology problem Presentation followed by ‘open line’ for Q & A Parking Lot for issues/questions needing follow-up [announce and begin recording approx. 10:05) Stuart & Danna: “tees up” Webinar; thanks participants for attending; introduces presenters: (Anita Barbee, Alison Book, Karen Lofts-Jarboe, Linda Martinez) Wednesday, May 16, 2018 | 10:00-11:30am Aldridge & Boothroyd (2016, April)
As an organization, how do we use selection, training and coaching to support use of the CPM practice behaviors and leadership behaviors in day-to-day work? Danna
Learning Objectives Understand the CPM tools for employee selection, training and supervision Value the supervisor’s unique role in CPM implementation Value coaching at all levels of the organization Understand use of practice profiles to assess and encourage use of behaviors Connect how the Workforce Development “deeper dive” fits into the overall Snapshot tool for CPM implementation planning Danna
4 CPM Implementation CPM Directors Institute Sep 2017 Mapping Webinar Nov 2018 Snapshot Webinar Jan 2018 Messaging Webinar Feb 2018 Impl Planning Webinar Mar 2018 Org Read Building Webinar Apr Logic Modeling Webinar Today’s webinar builds on content from past webinars Danna Sep MAPPING WEBINAR – A process for aligning various local initiatives under the umbrella of CPM Nov SNAPSHOT WEBINAR – Engage with others from the start - inclusive leadership and teaming, Make the Snapshot work for your local context Seek a 360 degree view of “where we are now, ”Model CPM Leadership Behaviors Jan 2018 MESSAGING WEBINAR - Use resources from Development Circles, Understand strategies for targeting messages to specific audiences; apply communication and feedback loops Feb IMPL PLANNING WEBINAR - Focus on your priorities and plan of action, use local planning teams to build buy-in Mar ORG READINESS WEBINAR - Keep a focus on using what you learn and bringing people along Apr LOGIC MODELING WEBINAR - Use a logic model to map your implementation objectives to the outcomes they are meant to achieve. Share this concise picture w/others to build teamwork in CPM implementation and change. Reflect on whether you did what you set forth in the implementation plan, did it with fidelity and achieved what was intended. SNAPSHOT & IMPLEM PLANNING WORK are designed to empower a planning team to help you steer the process. Overall - focus is not content, per se, but bringing people together across the agency and community to stimulate local thinking and action. CPM logic modeling builds on that process of teaming and collaboration to support quality implementation.
Translating CPM Theory to Practice Karen We are going to present a set of tools, crafted collaboratively through the Workforce Development Circle, comprised of the following counties: These tools are for you to use, adapted to meet your needs locally. If you already have tools like these in place, you may want to consider crosswalking these tools with your existing processes to see if parts might be helpful. Each Director has bee provided a hardcopy of these tools and they are also available on-line, we will be sharing the links during the presentation. Who We Are DC Facilitators: Susan Brooks (RTA); Anita Barbee (Faculty), Karen Lofts-Jarboe (Faculty), Mark Lapiz (Faculty), Sharon Kollar (Faculty), Alison Book (RTA), Linda Martinez (Faculty) DC Champions: Marie Brown-Mercadel (Riverside), Michelle Love (Alameda), Anita Ortiz (Tulare) County Team Representation: Butte Kern Riverside San Francisco Santa Cruz Tulare Contra Costa Los Angeles San Bernardino San Joaquin Shasta Tuolumne El Dorado Mariposa San Diego San Luis Obispo Stanislaus
The Workforce Equation
Who and how we hire + How we train to CPM + How supervisors work with their staff + How we coach workers, supervisors & leaders = Real-world CPM implementation Karen Strategies for selection and screening of new employees, training and coaching of staff, and supporting supervisors as the key to on-the-ground implementation are critical to the day-to-day enactment of the CPM practice behaviors.
Directors Institute Development Circles Workforce Development Circle
VISION Promote recruitment, promotion, and retention of a culturally responsive workforce whose values, knowledge and skills align with those in the CPM Facilitate ongoing engagement of staff Create meaningful opportunities for development and leadership at all levels both inside and outside the agency Linda The purpose of the Workforce Development DC is to develop and test tools and processes that (1) promote recruitment, screening and selection of a culturally responsive workforce whose values, knowledge and skills align with those in the California Core Practice Model (CPM), (2) facilitate ongoing engagement of staff, and (3) create meaningful opportunities for development and leadership at all levels both inside and outside the agency. The work of this group ultimately supports and enhances the work of young adults, children, families, and community partners to reach ideal outcomes. Aldridge & Boothroyd (2016, April)
Workforce Development: Key Elements
Training Training that incorporates CPM Screening & Selection Coaching Coaching for practice behaviors Modeling Hiring the right people Supporting the parallel process Linda Screening and selection – how do we hire people who have the right values and bring a skill set that will easily facilitate their use of the practice behaviors? Training – how do we ensure all staff receive orientation to CPM, and how do we embed CPM within other internal trainings? Coaching – how do we ensure staff, supervisors, managers and leaders receive coaching to translate the practice and leadership behaviors to actual practice? How do we use practice profiles and leadership profiles to assess staff’s and leaders’ current level of practice? Modeling – how do we ensure leaders, managers and supervisors are modeling the leadership behaviors to provide a critical parallel process for how they want staff to work with families Aldridge & Boothroyd (2016, April)
Come to the Polls! Use the polling feature you’ll see on your screen. If you’re sitting with other people, answer as a collective. Right now, which area do you think needs the greatest focus in your county to support CPM implementation? (pick one) Selection and recruitment process for staff CPM overview training for all employees Supervision that guides CPM practice behavior implementation Coaching to support practice behavior skill development Coaching to support leadership behavior skill development Linda/Mia Helpful to pick and also good to plan for all
Translating workforce development tools to practice
Alison – The Workforce Development tools help counties translate the Core Practice Model to on-the-ground practice. This includes tools related to new employee screening and selection, supervision and coaching of staff, and practice profiles that help assess current level of skill for practice behaviors for staff and leadership.
Where to Find the Tools Google “Northern California Training Academy”
Click on “Resource Barn” Search for “Core Practice Model” Alison/Mia
Practice Profiles Practice profiles attempt to define the linear and gradual progression of skill acquisition as a practitioner integrates a particular practice into their work. Identify emerging, acquiring and accomplished practice in each area of CPM. Anita – or Alison if no Anita Created by Anita Barbee of University of Louisville in Kentucky Tools that allow us to evaluate workers’ current level of skill and coach to skill improvement
Practice Profiles Leadership Profiles Practice Behavior Profiles
Anita – or Alison if no Anita Foundational behaviors align with practice bx. Important parallel process for leadership to evaluate their own behavior, or for directors to evaluate managers and mangers to evaluate supervisors. For example, the first leadership behavior is Be open, honest, clear and respectful in your communication. The practice profiles clarify what this practice looks like at emerging, acquiring and accomplished levels.
Selection & Screening Tools
Realistic Job Preview Letter Supporting self-selection into the job Realistic Job Preview Video In development Employee Selection & Interview Protocol Questions and role play Karen
Realistic Job Preview Preview Letter & Preview Video (in development)
Karen This is a suggested interview protocol for use at the final selections stage in the hiring process of a new social worker, and could be adapted for any part of the selection process. The protocol contains: a suggested series of questions (questions 1-7) a scenario of a typical day that can also be used as a written sample exercise (question 8) a behavioral rehearsal (role play scenario) that can be used in the selection interview process (question 9) These questions and scenarios can be tailored or adapted to meet your county’s needs. For example, you may want to break some of these questions into 2 questions, reduce the number of questions, and/or perhaps provide enhanced definition for cultural humility so the applicant has some basic understanding. In using this protocol, we make the following recommendations: Form a small working group of folks within the organization responsible for hiring, or potential users of this protocol, to serve as a group to support implementation of this protocol and begin attending to: Develop a plan of how to pilot or test the questions and protocol by trying them on with some staff who have been recently hired (within 6 months), some experienced staff, and/or perhaps interns. Meet regularly as a group to review how the process is working Some of these questions can be enhanced in their development for promotional positions and supervisory hiring. As your practice and needs change, these questions will need to be changed up over time. Ask the applicant to arrive for the interview 30 minutes early and provide them the list of questions (without the potential answers – title - Interview Questions) in advance so that they can begin thinking about the questions and perhaps take some notes. Tape the Interview Questions list to the table where the person will be sitting for easy reference during the interview. Testing Counties included: San Francisco Butte Kern San Diego San Bernardino Some of the groups these counties tested with include: New Hires (within 6 months if Hire) Survey those in induction training classes Survey trainers & supervisors Survey Interns
Employee Selection Protocol Contains
A suggested series of questions A scenario of a typical day that can also be used as a written sample exercise A behavioral rehearsal (role play scenario) that can be used in the selection interview process An answer guide These questions and scenarios can be tailored or adapted to meet your county’s needs. Karen This is a suggested interview protocol for use at the final selections stage in the hiring process of a new social worker, and could be adapted for any part of the selection process. The protocol contains: a suggested series of questions (questions 1-7) a scenario of a typical day that can also be used as a written sample exercise (question 8) a behavioral rehearsal (role play scenario) that can be used in the selection interview process (question 9) These questions and scenarios can be tailored or adapted to meet your county’s needs. For example, you may want to break some of these questions into 2 questions, reduce the number of questions, and/or perhaps provide enhanced definition for cultural humility so the applicant has some basic understanding. In using this protocol, we make the following recommendations: Form a small working group of folks within the organization responsible for hiring, or potential users of this protocol, to serve as a group to support implementation of this protocol and begin attending to: Develop a plan of how to pilot or test the questions and protocol by trying them on with some staff who have been recently hired (within 6 months), some experienced staff, and/or perhaps interns. Meet regularly as a group to review how the process is working Some of these questions can be enhanced in their development for promotional positions and supervisory hiring. As your practice and needs change, these questions will need to be changed up over time. Ask the applicant to arrive for the interview 30 minutes early and provide them the list of questions (without the potential answers – title - Interview Questions) in advance so that they can begin thinking about the questions and perhaps take some notes. Tape the Interview Questions list to the table where the person will be sitting for easy reference during the interview. Some ot fhte counties who tested this process include: San Fransisco Butte San Diego Their process including talking with their leadership teams, trainers, training committees, supervisors, newly hired staff.
CPM Overview Presentation
PowerPoint Trainer Guide Icebreaker Activity Handouts Karen
CPM Overview Presentation
Materials Setup Sample Icebreaker Sample Agenda Welcome & Introductions Icebreaker or Centering Activity Purpose: Provide an overview of the CPM Objectives: Say the practice behaviors out loud and identify the ways in which we are already using these in our everyday interactions Identify one practice area to work on Content – Overview of CPM Next Steps Plus/Delta Karen
Supervision Tools Supervision/Coaching Guide
Form and framework for supervision meetings Version 1 Version 2 Alison Supervisors are the key to daily implementation of CPM by line staff. These tools are based on documents created by Riverside County, and they help guide supervision meetings and keep the discussion focused on staff’s use of CPM practice behaviors. Riverside also uses similar tools for directors to have supervision with managers and managers to have supervision with supervisors. These can be adapted to the leadership behaviors for that purpose.
Behavior One-Pagers Leadership Behaviors Supervisors Managers
Directors Practice Behaviors Alison These tools are intended to provide a quick reference of the CPM behaviors at each level. They separate out the leadership behaviors into those specifically for supervisors, managers and directors so agency staff at each level can have a ready reference to reflect on their own use of the behaviors as well as those of the people they supervise.
Supervisor One-Pagers
Steps supervisors can take to support staff in translating the Practice Behaviors to actual practice Foundation Engagement Assessment Teaming & Transition Service Planning & Delivery Alison These tools are based on a set of supervisor tools from San Diego county and are designed to support supervisors in taking specific actions to support staff to translate the CPM to practice. Rather than focusing on the leadership behaviors, they offer suggestions for steps supervisors can take to support staff completing the practice behaviors. SOP is included to show an example of how counties can connect the CPM to on-the-ground tools and strategies used in their county. This section can be customized for counties not using SOP.
Directors Institute Development Circles Testing Counties
Selection & Screening Tools Supervision & Coaching Tools Butte LA Kern Mariposa San Bernardino Riverside San Diego Tulare San Francisco Alison Aldridge & Boothroyd (2016, April)
County Experience Karen/Alison Riverside – Ivy Jackson
Some Reflections & Highlights
Building CPM focus into regular supervision and coaching is key Supervisors & managers also need coaching Cater the tools to your county culture, policies and practice Linda
Consider Your Snapshot
Where does your Snapshot suggest taking a deeper dive into Workforce Development? Training plan incorporates CPM Training curricula revised to include CPM Staff receive CPM training Staff demonstrate specific CPM behaviors in interactions with children, youth & families Staff demonstrate specific CPM behaviors in interactions with each other and partners Linda
Consider Your Snapshot
Where does your Snapshot suggest taking a deeper dive into Workforce Development? Workers & supervisors get ongoing coaching for CPM Managers & leaders get ongoing coaching for CPM CPM values & principles are integrated into recruitment and selection Supervisors and managers are using a case consultation method to ensure use of CPM Linda
CPM-SOP Crosswalk Alison
Shared values, CPM practice elements, CPM practice behaviors, SOP strategies and tools
Discussion What ideas surfaced for you?
How might this enhance what you are already doing? Who else might need to be involved in the conversation? What may be a smart next step for you? Karen
Workforce Development Webinar Take-Aways
Building a workforce that supports CPM starts with selection and hiring Supervisors are the key to day-to-day staff use of the practice behaviors Practice Profiles help us coach for progressive improvement Leadership behaviors are a necessary parallel process to support staff using CPM practice behaviors with families Karen
RTAs Can Help! RTAs are a resource for supporting Workforce Development needs around CPM implementation Northern: Alison Book, Bay Area: Jennifer Buchholz, Central: Andrea Sobrado, Southern: Nancy Satterwhite, Alison Consider what your partnerships with your RTAs look like going forward?
Finding What You Need Implementation Planning Guide
CPM Implementation Snapshot CPM Survey CPM Implementation Plan Template Webinar Recordings Additional Resources (including resources and tools from the Directors Institute) Alison: Everything we discussed today is easily accessible on the CalSWEC website. Special thanks to Karen Ringette and Virginia Rondero Hernandez of CalSWEC for providing this on-line platform for easier access and sharing of these materials across the CPM learning community.
JUNE 13 | 10am – 11:30am Alison Next and final webinar in this series is from the Engagement, Relationships and Partnership Development Circle If there are any webinars you have missed, they are available on the CalSWEC website
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