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Agenda: Notes on TR, Taft, and Wilson

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1 Agenda: Notes on TR, Taft, and Wilson Hand back Ford Hero or Villain essay Create your ads/cartoons Ch. 9 test on Tuesday

2 You represent the constituents of the U. S
You represent the constituents of the U.S. The prospect of drilling in Alaska is on your desk. However the lands are protected. We want to protect the environment, but don’t we also want to have less reliance on foreign oil? WHAT SHOULD WE DO? Why would you choose this option? What does this suggest about your values? What long term effects will result from your decision?




6 Believed President was responsible for the national welfare
Teddy Roosevelt(R): Spanish-American war hero (coordinating a volunteer Calvary-The Rough Riders) Believed President was responsible for the national welfare TR saw the presidency as a “bully pulpit” from where he could influence news media and shape legislation. Label as The Progressive Presidents

7 He attacked big businesses who were treating their workers unfairly and promised the people a “Square Deal”. Filed lawsuits under the Sherman Antitrust Act against Railroads & other monopolies From then on, when a strike threatened public welfare, the federal government was expected to intervene. Chapter 9: The Progressive Era


9 The environment had been exploited and neglected for years
The environment had been exploited and neglected for years. Pioneers leveled forests, ranchers allowed cattle to overgrazed the plains, coal companies left behind refuse from mines, and cities dumped sewage and garbage into rivers. Roosevelt condemned the view that our resources were endless and he set aside millions of acres for national parks, and wildlife sanctuaries, including Yellowstone, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon.


11 (1908) Progressivism under William Howard Taft (R): Taft campaigned on a platform of lowering tariffs, which was very progressive actually raised tariffs. angered conservationists by returning 1 million acres of forests and mining areas for private use. The Republican party began to split under Taft became a party of Progressives and Conservatives. The Democrats won control of the House for the first time in nearly two decades.

12 16th Amendment federal income tax was passed.
The Election of 1912: Woodrow Wilson (D) endorsed a progressive platform, “New Freedom”, which called for more trust-busting, bank reform, reduced tariffs, FTC to investigate corporation 16th Amendment federal income tax was passed. TR actually threw his hat in the ring and ran as a 3rd-party candidate (the Progressive or “Bull Moose” Party), because he was so disappointed with Taft(R).

13 Under this “graduated” tax, larger incomes were taxed at higher rates
Under this “graduated” tax, larger incomes were taxed at higher rates. (The federal income tax remains to this day the single biggest source of income for the government) Congress passed the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote---72 years after women had first met at the Seneca Falls convention to demand the vote. Despite Wilson’s economic and political reforms, he disappointed progressives in his social agenda, Wilson’ refusal to pursue civil rights legislation halted progressivism, American attention toward WWI officially ended the Progressive Era. Chapter 9: The Progressive Era (continued)

14 Assignment Make 1 advertisement/political cartoons for or against anything we have discussed so far. Use the Ch. 9 Jigsaw WKST, Plessy v. Ferguson, Literacy tests, Muckraking/The Jungle notes & reading, Women’s suffrage movement, TR, Taft, Wilson, etc. Use Color & be creative! (10pts) [Can’t just make a “poster” that says “Votes 4 Women”] Ads/Cartoons due Friday if not done in class today!

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