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Properties of crude oil

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1 Properties of crude oil
Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering By: Bilal Shams Memon Properties of crude oil

2 API Gravity (Degrees) = (141 .5/Sp. Gr.) – 131 .5
API – American Petroleum Institue. API gravity – a measure of oil density; related to specific gravity by following formula: API Gravity (Degrees) = (141 .5/Sp. Gr.) – API gravity determines crude oil worth. 10⁰Api = 1 Sp. Gr. Less dense oil (higher API gravity); being the most valuable.

3 2. Bubble point pressure Pressure at which first gas is liberated from the reservoir oil upon isothermal pressure reservoir temperature. ‘Pb’ (saturation pressure)

4 3. Formation volume factor
Reservoir volume occupied per volume of tank oil and its dissolved gas. ‘Bo’. This quantity is always greater than 1.

5 4. Solution gas oil ratio Number of standard cubic feet of gas dissolved per barrel of tank oil.

6 5. Oil viscosity ‘µo

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