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Cells Structure & Function.

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1 Cells Structure & Function

2 Recap… Who coined the term “cell”? Robert Hooke
What invention allowed cells to be seen? Compound Microscope Who is the Father of Microbiology? Anton Von Leeuwenhoek

3 The Cell Theory The cell is the basic unit of structure & function of all living things Building Blocks of living things All living things (organisms) are made of cells All cells come from pre-existing cells – (life from life) So, this disproved Spontaneous Generation 3

4 Cells Smallest living unit Most are microscopic But not all! 4 4

5 Prokaryotic Cells Believed first cell on earth
No membrane bound nucleus or organelles Always Unicellular! Bacteria 5 5

6 Eukaryotic Cells Nucleus bound by membrane
Include fungi, protists, plant and animal cells Have many membrane bound organelles Can be unicellular or multicellular 6 6

7 Two Main Types of Eukaryotic Cells
Plant Cell Animal Cell 7

8 Plant & Animal Cells ANIMAL CELL PLANT CELL

9 The Cell is the Basic Unit of Life
Unicellular organisms are made of one cell only Multicellular organisms are made of many cells The cells of Multicellular organisms are specialized to perform different functions 9

10 Different Plant Cells Onion Epidermal Cells Guard Cells root hair
Root Hair Cell root hair Guard Cells 10

11 Different Animal Cells
white blood cell red blood cell cheek cells sperm nerve cell muscle cell Amoeba Paramecium 11

12 A Few Different Human Body Cell Types…

13 Eukaryotic Cells Have…
Organelles! Specialized structures in a cell which have specific jobs… The ones you NEED to know: Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Mitochondria Ribosome

14 A Cell Membrane AND Cytoplasm!
ALL CELLS HAVE… A Cell Membrane AND Cytoplasm!

Cytoplasm Inside Cell PROTEIN CHANNEL Phospholipid Head: Purple Lipid “Legs”: Blue Proteins: Green Carbohydrate Chains: Red

16 Cell Membrane SUPER IMPORTANT!
It provides a boundary between inside and outside the cell… AND it CONTROLS what enters and leaves… (except for small molecules like water and oxygen and carbon dioxide, glucose, etc…)

17 Cytoplasm The “Jelly-Like” Goo Inside of the Cell.
Animal Plant The “Jelly-Like” Goo Inside of the Cell. Contains Nutrients and is Always Moving! Supports and Protects Organelles.

18 ALL Living Things Have DNA
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Made of repeating Nucleotides (A-T, C-G) We’ll learn about that later! A=Blue T=Yellow C=Green G=Orange C A G C A G T T C G T C G A

19 Most Cells (Not All) Have…
Nucleus Mitochondria Ribosomes

20 Nucleus Nucleolus Nucleus Nuclear Membrane The “Brain” of the Cell

21 Mitochondria Mighty Mito Makes ENERGY… Mighty Mito Makes ATP!
Outside Membrane= Blue Inside=Purple

22 Ribosomes Make Protein
Can be attached to another organelle (Endoplasmic Reticulum) Usually found loose, floating in the Cytoplasm Think Ribs on the BBQ! Ribs are Protein! Rib-o-some! Ribosomes=Brown

23 Animal Cells Also Have…

24 Small Vacuoles (Vesicles)
Small “compartments” used by the animal cell for several different reasons

25 Lysosomes “Lys” means destroy
Lysosomes are a type of vacuole which destroys waste products

26 Centrioles Aid with Cell Division (Spider-man of the Animal Cells)
They kinda look like Twizzlers, don’t they???

27 Plant Cells Also Have…

28 Large Central Vacuole (or two)
Storage area for water Provides Turgor ‘cuz plants don’t have a skeleton!

29 Turgor The turgor pressure from water fills the vacuole(s)… so the plant cell becomes rigid and the plan can stay upright

30 Chloroplasts Where Photosynthesis happens - Membrane=Green Thylakoid
Thylakoid=Yellow Membrane

31 Cell Wall Non-living Cellulose Protects the Cell Cell Wall
Cell Membrane Mitochondria Central Vacuole Cytoplasm Chloroplast Ribosome Cell Wall: Brown Chloroplast: Green Mitochondria: Purple Central Vacuole: Blue Cytoplasm: Pink

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