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Chapters 8-10 Due date: 5/3/18 by the end of school

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1 Chapters 8-10 Due date: 5/3/18 by the end of school
Unit 3 Project Chapters 8-10 Due date: 5/3/18 by the end of school

2 Directions: Follow the directions for the Unit 3 Project on the Google Slides.
You may change the design/background/colors/etc… of the Google Slide Presentation. I need all the questions answered in the order they are asked to make grading easier. Project may be done individually or with partners in the class. If you work with a partner, make sure you share the project with them. Only one of you needs to submit it. Please make sure both of your names are on the project. Make sure you use your account for the project You are an up and coming entrepreneur that is looking for venture capitalists to help you achieve your dream. (product/service or social goal) Each student in class will have $25,000 to invest in up to three different projects. Next week students will see “The Pitch” slides and decide what they want to invest in. Please answer the questions in complete sentences. Remember simple things like punctuation and capitalization. Have one slide devoted to “The Pitch” -visual, $ amount needed, Why people should invest in your social goal or product/service?, name company/nonprofit, & product/service or social goal. Graphics will help your project grade. Remember to cite your graphics on the works cited list with URL’s at the end of the project.

3 Company/Nonprofit Name
What is the company/nonprofit name? The name needs to be creative & refer to the business product/service or social/goal.

4 Product/Service or Social Goal Description
Explain the company/nonprofit product/service or social goal in detail.

5 Human Capital & Resources (Chapter 10)
What education/training do the owners of the company/nonprofit possess that will help with the product/service or social goal and the running of the business? What roles will you (and the other partner) have in running the company/nonprofit, especially with the product/service or social goal?

6 Human Capital & Resources
(Land) Where will your company/nonprofit be located? How many employees will be needed in the beginning besides the owners? Please describe physical capital needed in general terms for the product/service or social goal?

7 Business Structure Advantages/Disadvantages (Chapter 9)
What business structure did your group pick? Explain why your group picked that specific business structure based on one of its advantages. Discuss how your group will deal with one of its disadvantages. Describe 2-3 personal characteristics of your group that you think will allow you all to succeed as entrepreneur(s). (Chapter 8)

8 Associated Responsibilities & Liabilities (Chapter 9)
Describe the legal and regulatory requirements that you will have to meet? How can you minimize potential liabilities for your company/nonprofit?

9 Business Plan (Chapter 8 & 9)
What is the mission of the company/nonprofit? How much money are you seeking from the venture capitalist (class)? You can ask for a certain amount and give them a % of your company or not. What is your second source? (business loan from bank) (personal loan from bank) (sell stock if corp.) (personal savings) (Go Fund Me) How much money are you getting from your second source?

10 Business Plan Who is your target audience? The market you are trying to direct your product/service or social goal towards. Why should people invest in your product/service or social goal?

11 The Pitch Include: Visual $ amount needed
Why people should invest in your social goal or product/service? name company/nonprofit product/service or social goal

12 Works Cited List

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