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Title Date: NAME: Email: Phone: Institute: CONFIDENTIAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Date: NAME: Email: Phone: Institute: CONFIDENTIAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Date: NAME: Phone: Institute: CONFIDENTIAL

2 Elevator pitch What are you doing which is solving a big problem in a better way than others… CONFIDENTIAL

3 Problem/ Opportunity What is the existing problem that you are trying to solve using your technology CONFIDENTIAL

4 Value proposition What is so unique about your product and why should customers buy your product? CONFIDENTIAL

5 Customer Validation What have you done to validate your value proposition? CONFIDENTIAL

6 Business Model Canvas Play Video on BMC
VALUE PROPOSITIONS CHANNELS CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS SEGMENTS REVENUE STREAMS COST STRUCTURE KEY PARTNERS RESOURCES ACTIVITIES << list your key partners here>> << Insert your value proposition here>> < how you plan to establish and manage the relationship between the customer and your brand here>> << list your key activities here>> << target customer segments >> Play Video on BMC << list the key resources available to you here>> << 1) how you plan to acquire customers, 2) how you plan to deliver your value proposition to them and 3) how you plan to communicate with your customers >> << Describe your cost structure here>> << Describe your revenue streams here>> CONFIDENTIAL

7 Competition Who are the others who are doing similar things as you intent to do and ? CONFIDENTIAL


9 Current Status CONFIDENTIAL

10 Why do you want to come to SINE?

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