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Prayer Lesson 27 Luke 11:1-13.

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Presentation on theme: "Prayer Lesson 27 Luke 11:1-13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prayer Lesson 27 Luke 11:1-13

2 Theme Communicating with God is essential for a Christian's growth in grace & fruitfulness.

3 Theme Prayer offers the believer an opportunity for private praise, petition, and faith-filled persistence.

4 I. The Pattern for Prayer
A. To Whom Do We Pray (vs.2) 1. “Our Father, in heaven” 2. Begins with an address to God. 3. Importance of the one to whom we are praying. 4. Closeness of fellowship.

5 I. The Pattern for Prayer
B. For What Do We Pray? (v.2-4) 1. For God’s good (vs. 2) a. “Hallowed be thy name” (1) Prayer that others will see God as sinless (holy) (2) Consecrate ourselves to holy living – because people see God in us

6 I. The Pattern for Prayer
B. For What Do We Pray? (v.2-4) 1. For God’s good (vs. 2) b. “Thy kingdom come” (1) present evangelism (2) future rulership of Christ c. “Thy will be done” (1) obedience

7 I. The Pattern for Prayer
2. For our good (vs. 3-4) a. “Daily bread” (1) material needs b. “Forgive us our sins” (1) already sinned c. “Lead us not into temptation” (1) help with future temptations

8 II. Persistence in Prayer
A. We have the right to pray for the same thing repeatedly (v.5-8) B. Persistence pays off 1. Repeatedly asking – ask, ask, ask 2. Diligently searching – if no response, seek to know if it is His will 3. Continual knocking - if it is His will, keep keep asking…knock the door down

9 III. Response to Prayer A. Is it useful? (vs. 11)
B. Is it harmful? (vs. 11b-12a) C. God gives the best gifts. (v.13)

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