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Themes Notes 3 Date: Objectives

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1 Themes Notes 3 Date: Objectives
Take notes on the themes of Macbeth (Also works for examining the character of Duncan) Understand the point, ideas and reasons for reading Macbeth Warm-up – take down the quote and answer the question. “what’s done, is done” (Lady Macbeth, Act 3.2) Do you agree with the quote? Write what you think it means?

2 Plan for today – examine theme three
. 1. Introduction Addressing the question. 2. Holy / Unholy 6. Conclusion How important the theme is. Kingship / Leadership 5. Social order and ceremony 3. Honours and Homage 4. Protecting the people

3 Theme Three: Kingship / Leadership
One of the main questions in Macbeth is about leadership or kingship. This play was written by William Shakespeare for King James I and shows what a good king is and should be. A central theme in the play is the ‘divine right of kings’; that God chooses rulers, which Macbeth acknowledges as he says: “the gracious Duncan have I murdered Put rancours in the vessel of peace” (Act 3.1) (Rancour – poison) Gracious refers to having been visited by the graces of the Holy Spirit. Duncan was chosen to rule, Macbeth was not and we shall examine the attributes which make one more fit to rule than the other. (Do we expect our leaders or representatives to be religious?)

4 Holy - Unholy The first duty of a king was to be God’s representative on Earth. Duncan is portrayed as a holy man; a symbol of virtue to the point of being called a saint by several characters . To kill a king was not only wrong and evil therefore, it was dangerous. It was an insult to heaven, which Macbeth recognises before he commits the act: “So clear is his great office, that his virtues Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against The deep damnation of his taking-off” (Act1.7) Macbeth accepts he will be damned to hell for this act. He uses dark forces and confesses he would see both heaven and earth suffer to get what he wants. (Do you hold anyone to this level – that to wrong them is to wrong the world).

5 Honours and Homage One of the next most important duties a king had in medieval times was the giving and receiving of honours. The lords of the realm would pay the King homage, swearing to serve and be faithful. The King would reward this with titles, land and riches. Macbeth received these honours from Duncan: “Go pronounce his present death And with his former title greet Macbeth” (Act 1.2)(Thane of Cawdor) As king, Macbeth does not complete this duty either. Instead of rewarding Thanes as he was, he kills them. He hires assassins to murder Banquo, has Macduff’s family killed and instils fear, not loyalty, into those who serve him. (Think of what promotions you will get in your desired career?)

6 Protecting the people Perhaps the duty most expected of a King’s was to protect his people. Macbeth fails in this regard as well. Not only does he not protect those under his rule, he turns against them. Death and murdering become so commonplace in his kingdom that people no longer ask who died; “the death man’s knell Is there scarce asked for who” (Act 4.3) Macbeth’s soldiers roam the streets and anyone who is thought to be a traitor is killed. As a result, nobody wants to talk to anybody, for fear of their lives. This is Macbeth’s kingdom. (You may remember Maslow’s Pyramid of needs from CSPE. What do people need to be safe and happy?)

7 Social order and ceremony
After protecting, honouring and being a symbol for the people, the king had other duties that were also important. To show respect and the bond between king and subject, he would visit households and allow them to show their hospitality. Duncan does this by visiting Macbeth’s castle: “Conduct me to mine host: we love him highly, And shall continue our graces towards him” (Act 1.6) In visiting Macbeth, Duncan shows humility, apologizing for the inconvenience and rewarding Lady Macbeth with a diamond for her trouble. In contrast, Macbeth spits upon ideas of order, ceremony and hospitality by killing his guest while he sleeps. He then creates and maintains a distance from the people, further instilling fear. (Can you think of leaders in your local area? Can good leaders be distant?)

8 Conclusion Macbeth shows what a leader should be like then. He should be chosen, perhaps not by god but by virtue or good acts. He should give and receive respect. He should protect those under his care and create a safe environment. The ability to follow and maintain tradition is nice too. Macbeth shows none of these attributes and through his actions, he becomes a hated tyrant. Duncan, Malcolm and Edward on the other hand are loved and adored. Only when a rightful leader emerges can there be peace. (Once you’ve read through all this notes, summarise them in your own words. Six paragraphs, 2 pages, use the quotes.)

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