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B  VV and B  Baryons — a personal view

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1 B  VV and B  Baryons — a personal view
December 12, 2006, Nagoya

2 Part I: Comments on VV modes
Disclaimer Part I: Comments on VV modes Data vs Models VT vs VV puzzle No New Physics: Angular Study Part II: the Emerging Baryonic modes History: Discovery of p+p-K+ 3-body > 2-body Threshold Peaking ! Further Puzzle: Angular Correlations K+ and c+c-K+ Two Body: Charmed vs Charmless Future: Triple Products

3 Disclaimer ... you could talk about recent experimental/theoretical topics on the charmless Baryonic decays. The session also contains B-> Ks Ks and other hadronic b-> d by Babar B-> VV (under discussion) by Belle and Babar. If you could include another topics related to these subjects, that would be welcome, too. To me, baryonic final states are the farthest away from CKM, as they are more subject to hadronic effects, with dynamics not quite understood yet. Further, although I am one of the people who initiated the direction (even experimentally), I have not quite actively worked on it in past 2 years. If people like Hai-Yang Cheng, Chun-Khiang Chua, or Chao-Qiang Geng, or Mahiko Suzuki are attending CKM, they may be more suitable for this talk.

4 Polarization in Charmless VV Puzzle
Part I: Comments on VV modes Polarization in Charmless VV Puzzle Naïve Factorization : Longitudinal fL = 1 – O(mV2/mb2) BaBar 89M, PRL 91, (2003): Fit fL only, find ~ 0.5 ! Belle 86M, PRL 91, (2003): angular fit in transversity basis

5 Data

6 Models yours truly

7 Heuristic/Drastic Model
On-shell b  s g: g is Transverse b  s g ~ 3 x 10−4 b  s g ~ few x 10−3 10% 0.1% ? B  K* g ~ 4 x 10−5 B  KT* fT ~ 5 x 10−6 b x g min. is “gg” Simple String Fragmentation  Resonances Complicated Color Structure August 17, ICHEP2004 George W.S. Hou (NTU)

8 Models Problem with K*0r Similar concept a suppressed

9 Models SCET (hep-ph/ ) : Annihilation (XA) factorizable, small, and real Against, including QCDF Problem with K*0r Similar concept a suppressed

10 SCET, after all the work, throw up hand and adopt “Charming Penguin” ...
Does not give correct DCPV Smaller B  K* F.F. ? e.g. A0 ~ 0.3 rather than (hep-ph/ ) Models At least within standard framework Against, including QCDF Hadronic Problem with K*0r Similar concept LD Rescattering (inelastic FSI): selects only a small subset of possible inelastic processes; unknown “scale” for effective coupling a suppressed

11 Data Smaller B  K* F.F. ? Pure P Check K*K* modes

12 VT vs VV puzzle hep-ex/

13 No New Physics: Angular Study
Complete fit following London+Sinha2 fL f‖ f⊥ Hadronic Evidence for FSI phase CP conserv. Triple Products No indication for NP

14 Part II: the Emerging Baryonic modes
Baryons from Meson Decay — Only B !

15 Minzu Wang finished some R&D for ...
History: Discovery of p+p-K+ Spring 2001 Minzu Wang finished some R&D for ... My advice: As late starter, work on some project that is not (yet) frontline. (convenor) Suggest: Rare Baryonic, both 2- and 3-body “I can’t predict when/where they will emerge, but they will, and I expect 3-body > 2-body.” Reported Fall 2001 ! How could I be so sure? “We point out new ways to search for charmless baryonic B decays and suggest that enhanced baryon production is favored by reduced energy release on the baryon side.” WSH & Soni, PRL’01 (hep-ph/ )

16 (we were congratulated by Russian colleagues
Anecdote: Kpp  Khh Powerful new Dalitz plot to scoop up 3-body and quasi-2-body modes. Ironically, a CLEO leftover: h = p+, K+, but not p+ But nobody thought of it ... (we were congratulated by Russian colleagues

17 B+ → p+p-K+ and charmless baryonic
PRL 88, (2002) A new class of B decays dominated (so far) by Belle K+p+p- Threshold peaking generic [predicted by Chua, WSH, Tsai, PLB’02 for B  rp-n from factorization  baryon form factor Half a dozen modes observed — 2-body still not observed Search for pentaquark Θ+(+), Glueball — Not seen, limits set hep-ph/ pLg

18 ARGUS’87 vs. CLEO’88 Exp false alarm Grand History 1987: ARGUS ...
1988 CLEO refute Exp false alarm ARGUS 1988 PLB209(1988)119 ppp(p) ~ 5x10-4 !! CLEO 1988 PRL62(1989)8 ppp(p) < 1.4 (2.9)x10-4

19 2-body Charmless Baryonic Modes Very Rare (≪ 10-5 of Mesonic)
Grand History 1987: ARGUS ... 1988 CLEO refute 1997: first exclusive measurement of BcpX (X= , ) by CLEO One thing struck me: Phys. Rev.D59:111101,1999 2-body Charmless Baryonic Modes Very Rare (≪ 10-5 of Mesonic)

20 Grand History 1987: ARGUS ... 1988 CLEO refute
1997: first exclusive measurement of BcpX (X= , ) by CLEO 2000: first observation of B  D*p-n by CLEO

21 Probably Only Person to Notice This Slide at ICHEP2000
Dave Cinabro at ICHEP2000 [CLEO Spokesperson] I knew worker, Tony Rubiera, who had graduated and left; So, communicated further with advisor (J. Yelton) at Florida. Phys.Rev.Lett. 86 (2001) 2732

22 “enhanced baryon production is favored by reduced energy release”
Grand History 1987: ARGUS ... 1988 CLEO refute 1997: first exclusive measurement of BcpX (X= , ) by CLEO 2000: first observation of B  D*p-n by CLEO WSH & Soni: “Pathways to Rare Baryonic B Decays” “enhanced baryon production is favored by reduced energy release”

23 Grand History 1987: ARGUS ... 1988 CLEO refute
1997: first exclusive measurement of BcpX (X= , ) by CLEO 2000: first observation of B  D*p-n by CLEO WSH & Soni: “Pathways to Rare Baryonic B Decays” 2001: first observation of charmless B+ ppK+ by Belle Chua, WSH & Tsai: “Prediction” for Threshold Enhancement hep-ph/

24 II. Possible Dynamics of Underlying 3-body
CLEO’01: Factorized Currents/Current Produced /Isospin Relation Belle’02: and Extend Idea … Seems to Work Threshold Peaking Factorization in 3-body ? & r, p Chua, WSH, Tsai, PRD’02 hep-ph/ Vector Current gives 60% & Threshold Enhancement hep-ph/ , to appear PRD in preparation hep-ph/ 25 July 2002, ICHEP George W.S. Hou

25 Grand History 1987: ARGUS ... 1988 CLEO refute
1997: first exclusive measurement of BcpX (X= , ) by CLEO 2000: first observation of B  D*p-n by CLEO WSH & Soni: “Pathways to Rare Baryonic B Decays” 2001: first observation of charmless B+ ppK+ by Belle Chua, WSH & Tsai: “Prediction” for Threshold Enhancement 2002: observation of cpX (X=,) by Belle, CLEO, D(*)0pp by Belle 2003: first observation of 2-body decay: B0 cp (Belle) first evidence of B+ J/p (BaBar) 2004: first observation of B+ p by Belle 2005: Doubly charmed baryon modes B cc, ccK by Belle

26 reduced energy release ...
Threshold Peaking Low Mass bsg MC pΛgSignal threshold peaking String breaking g s b Understood b s Not Low Mass Peaking for hadronic less understood reduced energy release ...

27 Hai-Yang Cheng, talk at Capri, 5/06
Rosner; Suzuki

28 B+ΛΛK+ 140 fb-1 cf. ffK First observation of bs s s baryonic decay
g b s s cf. ffK 140 fb-1 threshold peaking First observation of bs s s baryonic decay Signal Yield in 2D fit: 19.9 Efficiency: 4.0%-6.9% Statistical Significance: 7.4σ BF:( ± 0.38) x 10-6 First Charmless B decay with two Λ! Threshold enhancement again. Compliment to BφK(*) (bsss penguin) PRL 93,211801, 2004

29 hc  ff, LL: Study CPV in 3-body with hc width
Observation of ηc Λ Λ hep-ex/ Ratio for baryon quark-diquark model check hc  ff, LL: Study CPV in 3-body with hc width ffK: Hazumi hep-ph/

30 B+c+c-K+ BF(B+c+c-K+ ) = (6.5 ± 1.1 ± 3.4) × 10-4
hep-ex/ , to appear in PRL Unexpected large rate considering the limited phase sapce Threshold effect? c+ pK-π+ signal BF(B+c+c-K+ ) = ( ± 1.1 ± 3.4) × 10-4 +1.0 -0.9

31 Observation of B cc B+ c0c+ B0 c-c+ hep-ex/0510074, to appear
PRD(RC) B+ c0c+ B0 c-c+ CKM(cc)=VcbVcs* <-> CKM(cp)=VcbVud* Enhancement for smaller Q ? c π 1% cc  >> cp  10-5

32 A new class of charmless B decays dominated (so far) by Belle
PRL 88, (2002) K+p+p- Threshold peaking generic Angular correlation of K- & p a puzzle Half a dozen modes observed pLg 2-body still not observed pp < 10 -7

33 Part I: Comments on VV modes
Disclaimer Part I: Comments on VV modes Data vs Models VT vs VV puzzle No New Physics: Angular Study Part II: the Emerging Baryonic modes History: Discovery of p+p-K+ 3-body > 2-body Threshold Peaking ! Further Puzzle: Angular Correlations K+ and c+c-K+ Two Body: Charmed vs Charmless Future: Triple Products

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