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CE 525.

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1 CE 525

2 Quiz What is one of the things to avoid when choosing a name for a database field name?

3 Quiz What is one of the things to avoid when choosing a name for a database field name? Spaces, reserved words, excessively long names, cuss words

4 Quiz What is wrong with this code: If TonysAge > YourDad Then
Msgbox “Oh boy, Tony’s kind of old” ElseIf TonysAge > YourGrandpa Then Msgbox “Dag Nabbit, he’s really old” ElseIf Msgbox “Get off my lawn!” End If

5 Quiz What is wrong with this code: If TonysAge > YourDad Then
Msgbox “Oh boy, Tony’s kind of old” ElseIf TonysAge > YourGrandpa Then Msgbox “Dag Nabbit, he’s really old” ElseIf Else Msgbox “Get off my lawn!” End If

6 Quiz What Excel Tool can you use to minimize an objective function while defining constraints?

7 Quiz What Excel Tool can you use to minimize an objective function while defining constraints? Solver

8 John Ripy Day!

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