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Agenda Applying the Tailored Design Method in a Randomized Control Trial Experiment Survey Benjamin Messer Research Into Action, Portland, OR PAPOR Annual.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Applying the Tailored Design Method in a Randomized Control Trial Experiment Survey Benjamin Messer Research Into Action, Portland, OR PAPOR Annual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Applying the Tailored Design Method in a Randomized Control Trial Experiment Survey Benjamin Messer Research Into Action, Portland, OR PAPOR Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA December 14-15, 2017

2 Disclaimer The information provided and views expressed in this presentation are those of Research Into Action and do not represent the California Time of Use Working Group.

3 Agenda Background Study Design Response Rate Results
01 Study Design 02 Response Rate Results 03 Nonresponse, Mode Effects, and Data Quality 04 Survey Costs 05 Conclusions 06

4 Background

5 RCTs are scientifically rigorous
RCT Surveys are Increasingly Used to Inform Policies, Tailored Design Method Provides Framework RCTs are scientifically rigorous Conducted with more frequency in policy areas Costs, time/duration, and complexity remain challenges Getting the policy right raises stakes, need high confidence Not a one-size-fits-all approach TDM provides framework for making decisions about each aspect of a survey

6 Study Design

7 California IOUs Tasked with RCT Electric Rate Study of Customers
CA Legislature and Public Utilities Commission directed the three investor-owned utilities (IOUs) to switch to Time-Of-Use (TOU) electricity rates for residential customers IOUs: PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E (cover ~3/4s of CA) IOUs first had to conduct a pilot RCT study to determine if TOU rates work, and if the rates have harmful economic and/or health impacts on vulnerable segments of the population Compare customers on standard rate (Control) to customers on TOU rates (Treatment) Electricity prices vary on TOU rates based on the time of day (e.g. lower in morning and night, higher in afternoon and evening) vs. based on how much is used on the standard rate IOUs internally surveyed customers for Pilot recruitment, and provided bill credits for participation in the study Over 55,000 total participants

8 Complex RCT Study Design
Climate Region Segment Control vs. Rate 1 Control vs. Rate 2 Control vs. Rate 3 Hot Non-CARE/FERA PG&E, SCE CARE/FERA Below 100% FPG PG&E SCE None 100 to 200% FPG Seniors Moderate PG&E, SCE, SDG&E Cool PG&E & SCE: 4 Rates, 9 segments, 3 regions 30 total cells SDG&E: 2 TOU Rates, 4 segments, 2 regions 12 total cells

9 Tailoring Survey Design to Study Design
Offered web, mail, and phone modes, sequentially Designed modes to be as similar as possible Used user-friendly graphical design for web/mail modes Used client letterheads, logos, and other materials Included different framing/messaging in each contact Sent contacts and offered survey in five languages Addressed communications to account holder, but asked for person in household who makes decisions about energy usage/bills Randomized lists and randomly reversed order of scales to minimize primacy/recency effects Provided a bill credit incentive upon completion of survey Included point of contact at survey center and at client headquarters Unable to make web survey mobile-friendly

10 Survey Characteristics
11 research topics and 32 research questions Survey included 39 “core” questions with up to 93 items, and 14 “non-core” questions with up to 31 items Core questions included in all modes, non-core in web-only Required about 25 minutes Web Mail Phone Core Questions Non-Core Questions PG&E Questions SCE Questions SDG&E Questions PG&E SCE SDG&E

11 Survey Implementation
If participant does NOT have If participant has Booklet then reminder Letter invite then reminder Call Letter invite Booklet 2 invites Fielded survey October to mid-December 2016 During the 2016 election Performed a pre-test with 25 respondents All nonrespondents received one phone call, then used phone to target low-response segments Shout-out to WSU SESRC

12 Response Rate Results

13 Overall Response Rates are High
44,558 total respondents *Used AAPOR RR1 calculation

14 Response Rates are Consistent between Control and Treatment Groups
Within customer segments, largest differences in RRs between Control and Rate groups is 5 percentage points Average difference is 3 percentage points

15 Some Variation in Response Rates Across Customer Segments, but Sufficient Statistical Power
All cells larger than 200 respondents, most larger than 350

16 Nonresponse, Mode Effects, and Data Quality

17 Nonresponse Analysis Used data from the IOUs’ participant recruitment survey to compare between 2016 customer survey respondents vs. nonrespondents: Income: six categories Language preference: English vs. non-English Household size: continuous # of seniors in household: continuous Conducted logistic regression for each region/segment/rate, using ‘response to survey’ as dependent variable and p≤.05 significance level

18 Income, Language, and to lesser extent, HH Size and Seniors in HH are significant response predictors Lower income less likely to respond for majority of groups PG&E: 23 of 30 groups SCE: 15 of 30 groups SDG&E: 9 of 12 groups Non-English speakers were less likely to respond for some groups PG&E: 15 of 30 groups SCE: 10 of 30 groups SDG&E: 10 of 12 groups Larger households were less likely to respond for few groups PG&E: 4 of 30 groups SCE: 6 of 30 groups SDG&E: 4 of 12 groups Households with more seniors were less likely to respond for few groups PG&E: 5 of 30 groups SCE: 2 of 30 groups SDG&E: 0 of 12 groups Nonresponse did not vary across control and treatment groups

19 Minimal Mode Effects Web/mail respondents more likely to skip questions vs. phone respondents Phone respondents more likely to select “Don’t know” vs. web/mail respondents Did not find primacy or recency effects on Likert scale or list-based questions Similar-as-possible design across modes, randomization of lists, and randomly reversing order of scales worked

20 Data Quality Was High About 2% of respondents were identified as ‘satisficers’ “Straightlined” on questions with 8 or more items “Selected all” on questions with mutually exclusive answers Skipped more than 20% of items Satisficing more common among low-income and non- English speaking respondents

21 Survey Costs

22 Costs are High but Worth It for the Clients
Total survey costs are ~$800,000, excluding incentives $800K / 44,558 respondents = ~$18/respondent Average incentive amount was $52 bill credit/respondent About 3% of respondents received $75 or $100 Including incentives, total costs/respondent = ~$68

23 Conclusions

24 TDM Is Useful for RCT Study Surveys
TDM does not provide a step-by-step guide on how to design a survey but is a framework for making design decisions accounting for multiple factors that influence survey response We successfully used TDM to design a survey for a large-scale RCT High response rates, good data quality, and a fairly representative sample, at a cost acceptable to the clients Data was useful for making policy decisions The potential for economic and/or health hardship for CARE/FERA customers resulted in the CPUC excluding them from defaulting onto TOU rates Plan ahead (there are lots of decisions to make), try to be flexible, and closely monitor implementation

25 Questions?

26 Benjamin Messer, Ph.D.

27 Appendices

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