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Python Camp Alan led this session looking at slicing strings and allowing further practice. Session 10: The Examined Component Specifications Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Python Camp Alan led this session looking at slicing strings and allowing further practice. Session 10: The Examined Component Specifications Overview."— Presentation transcript:


2 Python Camp Alan led this session looking at slicing strings and allowing further practice. Session 10: The Examined Component Specifications Overview of content Resources

3 Specifications OCR AQA Edexcel / Pearson WJEC / Eduqas Other Undecided

4 Structure OCR, AQA, EDEXCEL: 2x written exams 1x NEA WJEC:
1x written exam 1x Greenfoot exam 1x NEA

5 Outline Content

6 Hardware Input / Output devices Memory (RAM/ROM and Cache/RAM/VM)
CPU (clocks, caches, cores) Fetch-Execute Cycle Secondary storage (optical/magnetic/solid state) Embedded systems

7 Hardware WJEC - RISC & CISC WJEC - GPU, soundcards, motherboards
AQA - no specific registers

8 Logic Gates (AND / OR / NOT) Truth tables Boolean operations

9 Networks LAN vs WAN vs standalone
Topologies (bus / ring / star / mesh*) Circuit switching / packet switching Protocols IP / MAC / DNS TCP/IP (awareness of layers) Internet vs www

10 Networks WJEC - TCP/IP 5 layer model WJEC - calculating routing costs
OCR - network hardware OCR - wifi frequency and channels OCR - no bus or ring AQA - PAN (Bluetooth) AQA - no ring or mesh AQA - TCP/IP 4 layer model

11 Data Representation Binary / Denary / Hexadecimal up to 255
Shifts, binary addition & overflow Representing characters / ASCII / Unicode Representing graphics Representing sound Metadata Compression

12 Data Representation WJEC - Up to 16 bit (65 535)
Edexcel & AQA - Run Length Encoding

13 Data Structure Data types Data structures (1D and 2D arrays)
Files and records Validation and verification

14 Data Structure Edexcel - databases (tables, records, fields, relationships, keys)

15 Software Operating systems Utility software
Types of programming language Translators IDEs

16 Security Data security / policies Data management / backups
Network security Cybersecurity

17 Ethical Ethical impacts of computer science
Legal impacts of computer science Environmental impacts of computer science

18 Ethical OCR - specific inclusion of open-source
OCR - specific reference to legal acts

19 Problem Solving Abstraction Decomposition
Algorithms (pseudocode and flowcharts) Programming constructs (seq / sel / iter) Operations (arithmetic & string handling) Functions & procedures Debugging & types of errors Trace tables

20 Specific Languages WJEC - OOP with Java/Greenfoot WJEC - HTML
WJEC - Assembly OCR - SQL

21 Specific Algorithms Bubble Sort Merge Sort Insertion Sort (OCR only)
Linear Search Binary Search Caesar Cipher (Edexcel only) Huffman coding (AQA only)

22 Resources Computing At School community site TES
Embarrassment of wealth

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