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OECD Working Party on Territorial Indicators:

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Presentation on theme: "OECD Working Party on Territorial Indicators:"— Presentation transcript:

1 OECD Working Party on Territorial Indicators:
Progress and Plans Vincenzo Spiezia, Head of Territorial Statistics and Indicators Unit Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the Working Party on “Regional and Urban Statistics” Meeting of 3-5 December 2003 in Luxembourg

2 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
OUTLINE Introduction Progress Plans Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

3 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
Introduction our focus is to benchmark the policy debate the general policy discussion is to understand differences among regions at present, the specific policy focus of the TDPC is on policies to enhance regional competitiveness how can each region valorise its underutilised resources Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

4 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
one focus of the WPTI is the “Determinants of Regional Performance” another focus of the WPTI is the “Geographic Concentration and Territorial Disparity in OECD Countries” Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

5 Progress: “Determinants of Regional Performance”
Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans Progress: “Determinants of Regional Performance” July 1, 2002: presentation of the methodology (DT/TDPC/TI(2002)10) Jan 13, 2003: preliminary results (GOV/TDPB/TI(2002)1) June 23-24, 2003: final results (GOV/TDPC/TI(2002)1/REV1) Nov 25, 2003: “Identifying the Determinants of Regional Performances: a Profile by Regional Type” (GOV/TDPC/T1(2003)4) Nov 25, 2003: “Globalisation and Regional Performance: the Effect of Trade Openness” (GOV/TDPC/TI(2003)5) Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

6 Average Labour Productivity
GDP/capita of the region versus the national average: What determines the difference? Average Labour Productivity GDP Employment at the workplace Employment rate Employment at the workplace Labour force at the workplace Commuting rate Labour force at the workplace. Resident labour force Activity rate Resident labour force Resident population Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

7 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

8 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

9 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
Looking at selected regions in Spain Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. -40% % % % % Comparing GDP per capita of the region to the national average: What is the contribution of each component to the percent difference? Percent contribution of each component Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

10 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
“Globalisation and Regional Performance: the Effect of Trade Openness” (GOV/TDPC/TI(2003)5) Did the GDP/capita in this region grow more or less than the national growth of GDP/capita? Is this difference in growth in a region positively or negatively correlated with the trend in trade openness at the national level? Yes, in about one-third of TL2 regions Yes, in about one-fifth of TL3 regions But no evidence that richer regions benefited more Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

11 Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

12 Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

13 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
“Identifying the Determinants of Regional Performances: a Profile by Regional Type” (GOV/TDPC/T1(2003)4) Should the performance of regions be assessed against the national average; or against the performance of their regional type? Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

14 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
56 % Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans 60 % 54 % 51 % 51 % Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. 57 % 53 % Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

15 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
“Identifying the Determinants of Regional Performances: a Profile by Regional Type” (GOV/TDPC/T1(2003)4) Thus, ON AVERAGE, the regional typology accounts for about one-half of the regional differences (i.e., the differences between a region and the national average) in GDP/capita. However, within each regional type, there remains a great variability of levels of GDP/capita among the regions. Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

16 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
“Geographic Concentration and Territorial Disparity in OECD Countries” July 1, 2002: preliminary results (DT/TDPC/TI(2002)9) Jan 13, 2003: final results (GOV/TDPC/TI(2002)2) Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

17 78 percent of OECD territorial disparity
in GDP per capita is due to disparities in productivity (GDP per worker)

18 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
“Regional Aspects of International Migration” (COM/DELSA/GOV(2003)40/REV1) This will be published as a chapter in the 2003 issue of the OECD “Trends in International Migration” Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

19 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
Spiezia, Vincenzo. (2003) “Measuring Regional Economies” Statistics Brief (Paris: OECD, October, No. 6). ( Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

20 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
OUTLINE Introduction Progress Plans Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

21 Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans
extend work on “Globalisation and Regional Performance: the Effect of Trade Openness” OECD Regions at a Glance (GOV/TDPC/TI(2003)6) – to appear in 2004 – maps of 40 different indicators to show: the regional distribution of factors that promote national growth; the regional distribution of unused resources that could be mobilised to improve regional competitiveness; and regional patterns of well-being (i.e., the attractiveness / competitiveness of each region to attract workers) Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

22 International Workshop on Territorial Indicators
Working Party on Territorial Indicators: Progress and Plans International Workshop on Territorial Indicators Examples of contributions being prepared: Different lines of development in rural regions by Antonia Milbert (DEU) Regional Disparities within EU countries by Flavia Terribile and Guido Pellegrino (ITA) Differences between employment rates in OECD regions by Mika Honkanen (FIN) Mapping regional development: a critical assessment of indicator-based exercises by Roland Arbter (AUT) Regional effects of the EU enlargement by Giovanni Barbieri (ITA) The territorial dimension of depopulation and ageing - focusing peripheral locations by Olaf Foss (NOR) Educational attainments and Regional Performances: focusing on Rural Development by the Secretariat Regional specialisation and the impact of trade openness by the Secretariat Creating a competitiveness Index: regional and local benchmarking by the Secretariat Comparative analysis of leading and lagging regions in the 1980s and 1990s" by Ida Terluin (NLD) and Ray Bollman (CAN) Good Morning, I am pleased to be able to illustrate the role of territorial indicators in discussion of territorial development policy. Presentation to the OECD Territorial Development Policy Committee, November 27, 2003

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