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12/30/2018 Entertainment 12/30/2018.

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1 12/30/2018 Entertainment 12/30/2018

2 Contents Introduction YouTube Principles Hulu, Pandora Copyright
Fair Use 12/30/2018

3 Introduction Entertainment before the internet was the province of experts, as in the picture on the previous page. Now it is commonly produced by amateurs, as in YouTube. Notice, at , that 6-8 of the top 10 videos are by professionals. What does this mean? Remember the Long Tail? 12/30/2018

4 YouTube Login: lenshapiro Lenshapiro/Account
Left: Profile setup, etc Subscriptions: Subscribe to the channels of members you like. Do it by clicking "subscribe" at the video or on the member's page Favorite, Share, Playlists, Flag – below a video Commenting on a video, or post a video response Uploading a video 12/30/2018

5 What do you notice about YouTube?
How is it like other applications we have seen? How are you encouraged to make greater use of YouTube? contribute to YouTube? communicate with other members? How does Google make money from YouTube? 12/30/2018

6 Which Principles does YouTube embody?
12/30/2018 Which Principles does YouTube embody? Data Rules: The value of an application is increased by the scale and dynamism of the data it manages The long tail: Small products/ideas make up the great majority of all products/ideas. Use your Users: Enable users to contribute content to the application The Power of Groups: Apply the wisdom of users to solve problems Enable Community: Enable users to share their experiences in your application Folksonomy, not Taxonomy: Utilize user-generated tags to classify items, instead of expertly generated categories 12/30/2018

7 Hulu, Pandora Video on demand, ad based, feature films, TV programs Music recommendation and radio service. Uses 400+ musical attributes. Ad or subscription based. 12/30/2018

8 Copyright law Based on Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the US Constitution: "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries; " 12/30/2018

9 How can you tell if a work is Copyrighted?
Legally, if you created it, you have a copyright Best guideline: if the work says so, e.g. with © © 1998 means created in 1998, copyright is for at least 50 years Good reference: 12/30/2018

10 Copyright law Arguments for observing copyrights:
Notice "promote the progress" in the constitution. Copyrights motivate artists and scientists to be creative Artists are not paid a salary, they are paid only if you pay them for each copy of their work. High salaries are rare and motivate struggling artists. So the argument that "artists make lots of money" doesn't make sense. 12/30/2018

11 Fair Use But I see short clips of copyrighted text, videos and music on the internet, and in classes. Isn't this a violation of copyright? No, because there's a Fair Use doctrine in the US copyright code that permits copying of copyrighted material based on four principles: the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; the nature of the copyrighted work; the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. 12/30/2018

12 Passwords The next topic, Blogs, and future topics, includes a link to a password-protected file. So now I'm going to tell you the password. 12/30/2018

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