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Senior Year and beyond….

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1 Senior Year and beyond…

2 Whitewater Counselors and Guidance Staff
Lisa Love– A-D Kelly Floyd– E- K Jessica Maddox– L-Ri Kelly Hubbard – Ro-Z Terre Lyle – Records Secretary Cynthia Ward –Infinite Campus Secretary

3 Senior Evaluations Each student will meet with his/her counselor
Student’s transcript Standardized testing Scholarship information (websites) Future plans Brag Sheet GPA) Naviance What your student will receive: Senior Survival Guide Unofficial transcript Scholarship websites Survival Guide will be given during individual meeting

4 Helps students plan, apply and pay for college
Helps students plan, apply and pay for college Career inventory, SAT and ACT prep, financial aid and scholarships Check your HOPE eligibility  Apply to college (Georgia schools) Financial Aid

5 How to Apply to College Choose 3-5 schools and visit their websites ( Check admissions requirements Apply online Have a transcript and a copy of SAT/ACT scores as well as the Senior Brag Sheet available Have someone proofread the application before submitting Request recommendations if school requires them Submit application, send transcripts and test scores Print copy for your records

6 Admissions Plans and Deadlines
Deadlines are IMPORTANT!!! Students are advised to complete and submit applications/ other documentation at least 3 weeks prior to deadline date Types of Plans: REGULAR ADMISSION ROLLING ADMISSION EARLY DECISION EARLY ACTION / NOTIFICATION EARLY ACTION / SINGLE SELECTION (Non-Binding) Each college you apply to may have a different plan

Naviance is a college and career readiness solution that helps districts and schools align student strengths and interests to postsecondary goals, improving student outcomes and connecting learning to life. College and Career Preparation Career Exploration Send official transcripts Send teacher recommendations

8 Requesting a Transcript
Transcripts for all Colleges can be requested online at at no cost For all other transcripts: Complete a “Request for Transcript” Pay $3.00 fee for each transcript Allow 2 days for the requests Picking up and mailing of transcript is the student’s responsibility Opening of the envelope invalidates the transcript

9 Senior Brag Sheet Brag Sheet on Blackboard under WHS Counseling. Make a copy in Google drive. Fill it out and share with teachers and counselors. Be Detailed Be Accurate Brag about yourself. This information is used to write your recommendations for the following: College Admission Scholarships Other awards

10 Letters of Recommendation
Prepare a comprehensive “Brag Sheet” and share with counselor and teachers Allow 3 weeks for completion of recommendation (most colleges do not require a counselor recommendation) Confidential recommendations are returned to the student in a sealed envelope (Do Not Open) or uploaded online. Students are responsible for mailing.

11 FYI Need a recommendation letter before semester break (remember those January college deadlines)? December 1, 2018 is the DEADLINE to request a recommendation from your counselor Transcripts with 1st semester grades will be available after January 20, 2019

12 College Visits As a senior you receive 2 official college visitation days per year . In order for the 2 visits to count as an excused field trip you must do the following: 1. Make an appointment with the College Admission Office 2. Obtain a College Visitation form from Attendance 3. Have the form signed by your teachers and parents 4. Have the form signed by a college official 5. Return the signed form to the attendance office by the next school day. ___________________________________________ College See the board outside Guidance and listen to the announcements for the dates and times. Come to guidance for a pass to attend the session

13 The HOPE Scholarship The HOPE GPA includes only Core Credits (all attempts) and is calculated by the Georgia Student Finance Commission. HOPE Scholarship GPA: rigor courses Zell Miller Program GPA: SAT or 26 ACT(1 sitting) To apply: FAFSA or HOPE application - By using your gafutures account, you can reduce the amount of time it takes to apply

14 Eligibility Center - NCAA
To participate in college athletics and receive athletically-based financial aid, you must do the following: Register online with the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse and meet eligibility standards (SS# and fee required)- Complete the amateurism certification questionnaire Submit transcript release form to Ms. Floyd

15 Important Dates WHS School Code: 111279 SAT test dates:
ACT test dates: PROBE Fair and Financial Aid Night September 24th: @ Starr’s Mill High School 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m. Financial Aid sessions : Session 1 6:15 – 7:00 Session 2 7:15 – 8:00 WHS School Code:

16 Twitter: @whsguidancecats Whitewater High School Guidance Department
Follow WHS Guidance FACEBOOK: Whitewater High School Guidance Department

17 College Application Team “CAT Time”
The counselors will be available every Wednesday after school in the September and October for any assistance needed with the college application process. CAT TIME Wednesdays – September & October 4:00 to 5:00 pm Thank you for coming to Senior Night!

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