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1 Graphics courtesy of
Down on the Farm A Place Value Activity By Leslie Stephenson Graphics courtesy of

2 Thank you SO much for purchasing this
activity. I am truly honored that you would incorporate one of my activities into your classroom. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions and/or suggestions you might have. I can be contacted at Thank you again! Description: This place value activity addresses the following standards of the Alabama Course of Study: 1.1.0 Use multiple representations for a given number 1.1.4 Determine the value of the digit in the tens/ones place 1.1.5 Determine the value of a number given the number of tens/ones It can be used both as an introductory whole-group activity and placed in a center for individual practice as well. To Prepare: Print and laminate each of the place value cards. Cut apart. Directions for Whole Group: In my own classroom, I organized the cards by the clipart picture and placed each category into a pocket chart. My young friends were instructed to select one farm object from each group. If correct, the four representations would name the same number. Directions for Individual Practice: Place the cards and the recording sheet in a center.

3 23 2 tens 3 ones 20 + 3

4 55 5 tens 5 ones 50 + 5

5 19 1 ten 9 ones 10 + 9

6 37 3 tens 7 ones 30 + 7

7 50 5 tens 0 ones 50 + 0

8 61 6 tens 1 one 60 + 1

9 74 7 tens 4 ones 70 + 4

10 86 8 tens 6 ones 80 + 6

11 Name __________________ Date ___________________
Down on the Farm Place Value Independent Practice Name __________________ Date ___________________ 74 86 61 50 7 tens 4 ones 70 + 4 8 tens 6 ones 6 tens 1 one 80 + 6 60 + 1 5 tens 0 ones 50 + 0

12 Name __________________ Date ___________________
Down on the Farm Place Value Homework Name __________________ Date ___________________ 37 19 55 23 2 tens 3 ones 20 + 3 3 tens 7 ones 1 ten 9 ones 30 + 7 10 + 9 5 tens 5 ones 50 + 5

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