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It has the potential to be amazingly helpful!

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Presentation on theme: "It has the potential to be amazingly helpful!"— Presentation transcript:

1 It has the potential to be amazingly helpful!
The Annotated Summary It has the potential to be amazingly helpful!

2 Step One: Read Read the text. Critically read as appropriate.
Graded? Necessary for later comprehension? Reflect on your learning and comprehension. Important details. Who, when, when, where, why important

3 Step Two: Summarize Short! (10 words should be perfect for most texts.) Big ideas.

4 Step Three: Annotate Write the summary largely and clearly on a piece of paper. (I suggest landscape.) Add annotations (on the front around your summary or keyed on front and explained on back)! Important facts, names, dates, and numbers. Answers to questions. Vocabulary words’ definitions, etc. Include 10+ for this practice activity.

5 Step Four: Share Project your summary.
Move to zoom in to various annotations. Discuss why you chose to include those pieces of information and how your summary will help you remember all the facts.

6 On any color paper. Largely and clearly.
Write your 10-word summary. I suggest landscape  Back of paper: List important facts from the reading. Number them. Number the part of the summary that corresponds best with each fact.

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