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Planning with LI in Uncertain Times
Presented by Robert W. Finnegan Brian Simmons
Everything we discuss today is geared towards helping your clients move forward with Planning
Today Changes to Estate Tax under the Tax Act
Prime Directive – Client, “What’s in it for me?” Threats-to-Wealth – Not just taxes! Dual Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (Dual SLATs) Case Study The Power of Leveraged Gifts The Cost of Delay Private Financing (Briefly) The Nevada Advantage
The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act - Estate Planning
Gift/Estate & GST Exemption Doubled to $11.18M ($22.36M married couple) Sunsets 12/31/2025 (back to $5M indexed by chained-CPI = $6.5M estimated) Indexed chained CPI (slightly lower than CPI) Does not sunset Retained Stepped Up Basis at Death Portability Gift/Estate exemption only (not GST) Annual gift tax exclusion $15,000/per donor per donee Defective Grantor Trusts All of our current planning strategies remain valid!!!
Why Plan? Estate Planning is not just or even primarily about taxes.
It is about Family Security and minimizing OR eliminating Threats-to-Wealth. With the substantially increased exemptions, strongly recommend that clients review their wills and revocable lifetime trusts
Why Plan? Golden age of estate planning is Now Use it or Lose it
Clients unwilling to use increased exemption Increased exemption expires 12/31/202 Reverts to $5.6M (+ inflation) Focus on Tax & Non-tax threats to wealth Retain access & control Life insurance creates synergies with other planning Delayed planning = Costs
The “Golden Age” of Wealth Transfer Planning!
AFRs are extraordinarily low (2.95% 9/2018 LT AFR). Discount strategies are available. Defective Grantor Trusts remain viable. Gift/GST Exemptions are high & indexed. Split $ rules are extremely favorable. Excellent products are available (including NLG).
The smart money continues to plan.
Beware Complacency Higher exemption may make clients complacent Higher exemption expires in 7 years Dems may change rules much earlier The smart money continues to plan.
Ensure the Clients’ security!
The Prime Directive Ensure the Clients’ security!
Focus on answering the Client’s question:
The Prime Directive Focus on answering the Client’s question: “What’s in it for me?” Dual Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs) Hybrid Self-Settled Trusts for creditor protection Beneficiary Defective Inheritors Trust (BDIT) Loans from Trust to Grantor Sale and Intra-Family Loan Transactions (No Gifts)
Threats-to-Wealth Divorce Creditors Predators
Destructive Family Dynamics A beneficiary who can’t manage money (Spendthrift) Spoiling a child with too much too soon Antisocial behavior - Drugs & alcohol abuse, cults and/or the wrong crowd Dying too soon/living too long Delaying Planning Dilution due to a growing family, inflation and taxes Taxes
Table I – Threats-to-Wealth
I. Clients II. Beneficiaries 1. Loss of Access to Trust Assets 1. Spendthrift Beneficiary 2. Loss of Control & Planning Flexibility 2. Divorce/Creditors/Predators 3. Creditor Protection 3. Destructive Family Dynamics 4. Living Too Long 4. Income, Gift, Estate, GST Taxes 5. Dying Too Soon 5. Dilution Due to a Growing Family 6. Taxes (Income & Estate) 6. The Cost of Delaying Planning
The Hedge Against Threats-to-Wealth
Clients retain access to gifted assets Clients retain control & planning is flexible Change trust terms – decanting, protectors, non-judicial settlements Trustees can be removed and replaced Control through LLCs Assets are creditor protected Protection against dying too soon/living too long Spendthrift - Protect beneficiaries from themselves Protect beneficiaries from divorce/creditors/predators Protect against destructive family dynamics Funding Self-completing regardless of tax system in place Funding does not trigger transfer taxes Assets protected from gift, estate, GST taxes Income taxes minimized and control who pays taxes. * Consult your legal and tax advisors for appropriate planning strategies.
“What’s in it for me?” – The Hedge Against Threats-to-Wealth
Clients retain access to gifted assets Clients retain control & planning is flexible Change trust terms – decanting, protectors, non-judicial settlements Trustees can be removed and replaced Control through LLCs Assets are creditor protected Protection against dying too soon/living too long Spendthrift - Protect beneficiaries from themselves Protect beneficiaries from divorce/creditors/predators Protect against destructive family dynamics Funding Self-completing regardless of tax system in place Funding does not trigger transfer taxes Assets protected from gift, estate, GST taxes Income taxes minimized and control who pays taxes. * Consult your legal and tax advisors for appropriate planning strategies. Clients Benef.
Dual Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (Dual SLATs)
The role of Life Insurance
Chart I – Traditional Solution - Survivorship Life Insurance in Trust
SUL ILIT Dynasty Trust DGT $10M SUL FBO of Children, Grandchildren, etc. H (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 1 Husband Life Insurance Premiums Paid from cash flow from spousal assets via gifts to trust. Gifts Premiums Wife Review Slide Content W (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 2
Chart II - Dual SLATs Basic (T&E Attorneys) Husband Wife
Dynasty Trust 1 FBO Wife Children, GC, GGC+ $5M Assets H (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 1 Gifts $5M Husband & Wife each Creates a Dynasty Trust Makes gifts to Trust Retains access - 100% while both alive; % following first death. Must avoid reciprocal trusts. Wife Dynasty Trust 2 FBO Husband, Children, GC, GGC+ $5M Assets W (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 2 Gifts $5M Must avoid reciprocal trusts.
Chart III - Dual SLATs Basic (Life Insurance) Husband Wife
Dynasty Trust 1 FBO Wife Children, GC, GGC+ $5M Life Insurance H (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 1 Gifts Premiums Husband & Wife each Creates a Dynasty Trust Makes gifts to Trust Benefit personally from LI. Must avoid reciprocal trusts. Wife Dynasty Trust 2 FBO Husband, Children, GC, GGC+ $5M Life Insurance W (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 2 Gifts Premiums Must avoid reciprocal trusts.
Chart IV - Dual SLATs with Gift & LI on Each Grantor Husband Wife
Dynasty Trust 1 FBO Wife Children, GC, GGC+ $5M Assets & $5M Life Insurance Each Trust Purchase LI on the grantor Cash flow from $5M pays Premiums On death of grantor, LI proceeds replace assets Surviving spouse has access to 100% Example H dies W loses access to $5M assets in her trust H’s trust receive $5M death benefit, available to support W. H (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 1 Gifts $5M Wife Dynasty Trust 2 FBO Husband Children, GC, GGC+ $5M Assets & $5M Life Insurance W (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 2 Gifts $5M Must avoid reciprocal trusts.
Chart V - Dual SLATs with Gift & Survivorship Life Husband Wife
Survivorship ILIT Dynasty Trust 1 Dynasty Trust DGT $10M SUL FBO of Children, Grandchildren, etc. H (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 1 FBO Wife Children, GC, GGC+ $5M Assets Gifts $5M LIPremiums Paid from cash flow from trust assets. Wife Dynasty Trust 2 W (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 2 FBO Husband Children, GC, GGC+ $5M Assets Gifts $5M Must avoid reciprocal trusts.
Chart VI - Dual SLATs with Gift, Survivorship Life & Term Insurance
Husband Survivorship ILIT Dynasty Trust 1 FBO Wife Children, GC, GGC+ $5M Assets & $5M Term on H Dynasty Trust DGT $10M SUL FBO of Children, Grandchildren, etc. H (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 1 Gifts $5M Life Insurance Premiums Paid from cash flow from trust assets. Wife Dynasty Trust 2 FBO Husband Children, GC, GGC+ $5M Assets & $5M Term on W W (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 2 Gifts $5M Must avoid reciprocal trusts.
Non-Reciprocal Trusts
Dynasty Trust 1 Husband Grantor Dynasty Trust 2 Wife Grantor NV – Premier Trust SD – SD Trust Co. Wife & Independent Trustee 1 Husband & Independent Trustee 2 Wife, Children, GC, GGC, etc., ILIT Husband, Children, GC, ILIT H Not a Beneficiary or W – HEMS (?) H – HEMS (?) Indep. Trustee – Abs. Discretion Indep. Trustee – HEMS or Other Standard Wife holds 5x5 & Testamentary SPOA (Issue) Loans to H (Grantor) H holds Lifetime SPOA Among Descendants of H’s Parents Review Slide Content Other factors to consider: Separate trust formation by time (6 mos., 15?) Fund with different assets & different amounts W income from day 1 H’s income interest “springs” into being at age 65 Life insurance – different policies/amounts One trust a Hybrid self settled trust Life Insurance on grantor of each trust? Vary special powers of appointment - One broad, one narrow - Different classes of beneficiaries - Lifetime vs. testamentary
Dual SLATs, One Spouse Gifts Exemption
In the prior Dual Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs) examples (Note: examples ignore inflation): H & W Each used $5.6M of gift and GST tax exemptions Combined $11.2M If the clients only plan on gifting the combined $11.2M, Assuming that neither spouse dies before the increased exemption sunset on midnight 12/31/2025 They will have “wasted” the increased exemption. Is there a strategy to use some of the increased exemption?
Dual SLATs, One Spouse Gifts Exemption
H creates a single Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs) for the benefit of W, children and grandchildren+ H gifts $11.2M to the SLAT for the benefit of W, C & GC+ W preserves her $5.6M exemption that survives sunset.
Chart VII - Dual SLATs – One Spouse Gifts
Husband Dynasty Trust 1 FBO Wife Children, GC, GGC+ $11.2M in Assets H (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 1 Gifts $11.2M Husband & Wife Combined H Gifts $11.2M W Preserves $ 5.6M Combined $16.8M Wife Dynasty Trust 2 FBO Husband, Children, GC, GGC+ $5M Insurance on W W (as Grantor) Creates Dynasty Trust 2 Gifts Premiums
The Nevada Advantage The Nevada Advantage
The Nevada Advantage Advisors/Attorneys/Clients looking to take advantage of Nevada’s laws A Nevada trust can last 365 years No state income tax on trust income when the trustee is located in Nevada Top rated asset protection laws (#1 by Forbes magazine) Nevada’s top rated “Decanting Statute” (ability to modify an irrevocable trust) Nevada top rated asset protection laws (ranked #1 by Forbes magazine) A Nevada trust can last 365 years No Nevada state income tax when trustee is located in Nevada Favorable “Decanting” Statute (ability to modify an irrevocable trust)
Nevada Asset Protection Trust
For Financial Professional Use Only. Nevada Asset Protection Trust A DAPT is a U.S. asset protection trust in which the grantor is a permissible beneficiary Nevada: Two-year statue of limitation No exception creditors Fraudulent conveyance – transfer with the intent to hinder, delay, defraud
For Financial Professional Use Only.
Dynasty Trust - IDGT A “Dynasty Trust” is an irrevocable trust that can hold assets in trust for as long as state law allows Trust assets may pass for generations without estate taxes Dynasty provisions can be included in any trust
Nevada Incomplete Gift Non-Grantor Trust -NING
For Financial Professional Use Only. Nevada Incomplete Gift Non-Grantor Trust -NING This strategy is best suited for someone who has significant potential income or capital gains – for instance, a multi-million-dollar portfolio – which is generating Federal and State income tax liabilities. The client may shift the income out of their current state of residence, to Nevada which has No State income tax. The NING generates state income tax savings only. Federal income taxes will be due regardless of the strategy.
For Financial Professional Use Only.
Beneficiary Defective Inheritance Trust (BDIT)
Irrevocable trust that freezes the value of assets for estate tax purposes. Assets are sold to the trust by a beneficiary-seller Beneficiary eligible to receive discretionary distributions from the trust
Decanting – “Do Over” Trust
For Financial Professional Use Only. Decanting – “Do Over” Trust Just as you can decant wine by pouring it from its original bottle into a new bottle, leaving the unwanted sediment in the original bottle, you can pour the assets from one trust into a new trust, leaving the unwanted terms in the original trust. The trustee may initiate the decanting at request of client.
Common Reasons to Decant
For Financial Professional Use Only. Common Reasons to Decant Extending the terms of the trust Changing a support trust into a discretionary trust Saving state income tax on undistributed income Removing a beneficiary Indirectly adding a beneficiary Correcting drafting errors or ambiguous terms
For Financial Professional Use Only.
The Power of Life Insurance
& The Cost of Delay To Gift or Not to Gift?
Case Study M60/F60 PNT $2M Gift Exemption Need $17M SUL LI
5% Pre-Tax / 4% Net $3M Assets Available 20% Tax on Earnings 1/3 Discount Net To Heirs Ages 90/90
Plan Today – 3 Scenarios – Net To Heirs
$3M Stays in Estate vs. Gift Alone vs. Gift with LI 1 2 3 Do Nothing Gift $3M 1 Gift $3M 2 $3M Stays in Estate to Trust/No LI to Trust/ With LI 3 1 Make $3M gift to trust. Preserve principal. Use trust cashflow to pay full premium. Cashflow supports $14M death benefit 2 Discounted 1/3 3 Preserve principal in trust and use cashflow to roll-out in year 23: Private Split Dollar gift supports $17M
Plan Today - Net to Family
1. No Planning vs. 2. Gift (No LI) vs. 3. Gift & Full Prem ($14M DB) Life Expectancy 90/90
Net to Family Plan Today (LE 90/90)
No Plan vs. Plan with LI Improvement Source 1. No Plan 3. Gift & Split $ 3. – 1. GST Exempt 3,000,000 23,316,325 20,316,325 Estate 3,871,640 (3,415,299)* (7,286,939) Total 6,871,640 19,901,026 13,029,386 Wealth Shifting! *$3,415,299 Equals the estate’s “burn” due to: i) “tax burn” grantor paying taxes on trust income. ii) the “premium burn” due to split $ premium advances paid by the grantor. iii) the loss of the use of those funds, net of estate taxes.
The Cashflow From A $3M Gift Buys How Much Insurance:
The Cost of Delayed Planning The Cashflow From A $3M Gift Buys How Much Insurance: The Cost of Delay
Net to Family - Plan Today (LE 90/90)
Age 60/60 No Plan vs. Plan with LI Net Improvement Source No Plan (A) Gift & Split $ (B) B - A GST Exempt $2,000,000 $23,316,325 $21,316,325 Estate $4,871,640 ($3,415,299) ($8,286,939) Net To Heirs @Ages 90/90 $6,871,640 $19,901,026 $13,029,386 Wealth Shifting! $2M exemption used in both scenarios, taking into account 1/3 discount on $3M; $17M SUL Life Insurance Policy; 5% Gross/4% Net Tax; Roll-out Age 82/82 Tax and Premium “Burn”
Premiums for $10M of Coverage1
Insured(s) Rating(s) $10M * Full Pay Prem. Increase % M60/F60 Preferred NT 91,583 Due to 10-Year Delay in Planning M70/F70 154,325 169% Standard NT 208,791 228% Table B (150%) 268,390 293% 304,595 333% 394,533 431% Plan Today Both Alive Plan in 10-Years One Alive
The Cost of Delay Coverage1 Supported by $3M Gift
Insured(s) Rating(s) LI Supported DB Reduction M60/F60 Preferred NT $17.0M Due to 10-Year Delay in Planning M70/F70 $10.5M ($6.5M) Standard NT $8.0M ($9.0M) Table B (150%) $6.3M ($10.7M) $5.5M ($11.5M) $4.2M ($12.8M) Plan Today Both Alive Plan in 10-Years One Alive Assumes Protection UL & SUL available and priced as today. Death benefit reflects private split dollar in all scenarios. $3M principal preserved in all examples; cash flow funds coverage.
Private Financing The Perfect Hedge for Uncertain Times
A Strategy to Fund Any Life Insurance Policy
Private Financing Clients lends funds to a Dynasty Trust
Trust invests loan proceeds in order to: Pay each annual premium as it becomes due Repay the loan at the end of the loan term Defective grantor trust Trust taxes paid by grantor. In effect, a gift and GST tax free transfer! Lump sum loan locks in current favorable 4/2018 AFRs: Mid-Term 2.72% Loan Term (3 years,9 years] Long Term 3.04% Loan Term > 9-years Accrue interest (a powerful long term benefit)
Mr. and Mrs. Valued Client
PRIVATE FINANCING EXAMPLE Insureds: Male Age 57 (Preferred NT), Female Age 56 (Preferred NT) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) April 2018 AFR DYNASTY TRUST: Cash Flow & Value of Side Fund (SF) (SHORT)/Gain NET TO FAMILY End of Year Beginning of Year End of Year End of Year 2.72% MT AFR Value of 10 6.00% Repay Loan Insurance Total in Loan Trust Annual Pre-Tax End of Year Side Fund Death Yr. Age Balance Premiums Earnings 9 Loan Bal. Benefit @ Death Beg. 5,336,645 1 57/56 5,481,802 (168,545) 310,086 5,478,186 (3,616) 10,000,000 9,996,384 2 58/57 5,630,907 318,578 5,628,220 (2,687) 9,997,313 3 59/58 5,784,068 327,580 5,787,255 3,188 10,003,188 4 60/59 5,941,394 337,123 5,955,833 14,438 10,014,438 5 61/60 6,103,000 347,237 6,134,525 31,525 10,031,525 6 62/61 6,269,002 357,959 6,323,939 54,937 10,054,937 7 63/62 6,439,519 369,324 6,524,717 85,199 10,085,199 8 64/63 6,614,674 381,370 6,737,543 122,869 10,122,869 65/64 6,794,593 394,140 (6,794,593) 168,545 10,168,545 66/65
The Perfect Strategy for Uncertain Times
Design so that the client is fully secured in nearly all years! If policy and trust assets perform as expected, plan can be unwound and client repaid since in nearly all years: Loaned Assets + Policy CSV > Loan Balance The trustee can choose to repay the loan early. Clients can feel more comfortable entering into the transaction. Moves wealth to a dynasty trust without income, gift, estate or GST taxes. The dynasty trust protects against repeat estate taxation and GST taxes. The plan is not dependent upon making a gift, it is a loan. It rides out whatever tax regimen we have in place. If the gift tax comes and goes, the strategy is unaffected. Wait and see. Wait until 12/31/2025 (sunset) to forgive loan making a gift. Income tax planning Income tax free death benefit. Preserve gift/estate exemption for stepped up basis on second death. Use any type product! Single life, survivorship, term, current assumption UL, VUL, indexed UL, WL, term. (Private Split $ requires low CSV product & best with survivorship.) Use with non-insurance strategies such as Dual Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts that give non-grantor spouse access to trust assets.
Reducing the Loan Longer Note & Longer Premium Paying Terms 6% Pre-Tax Return
Note Terms $10M Life Insurance *** Note April 2018 Annual Years Pay Required Scenario Duration Term Rate Premium Premiums Loan 1 9 MidTerm 2.72% 168,545 10 5,336,645 2 20 Long Term 3.04% 107,061 3,009,926 3 30 91,463 2,165,051 5 Life 86,227 Lifetime 1,769,625
Funding Hierarchy (Simple to Complex)
Clients Funds Existing Funded Trusts $15,000 AGTE $11.18M Lifetime Gift & GST Transfer Assets Discounted Gift to DGT Discounted Sale to DGT Discounted GRAT (DGT) Loan Premium Structure Full Premium Split $ - Economic Ben. Private Financing Private Financing & Gift Split-$ Demand Loan Pay Gift Tax OPM (Premium Financing) Commercial Lender Local Banking Relationship Bank Specialize in Premium Financing Intermediary Dual Loan For Advisor and Producer Use Only. Not For Public Distribution.
Contact Us Robert W. Finnegan, J. D
Contact Us Robert W. Finnegan, J.D., CLU, AEP Senior Vice President, Advanced Planning Attorney Highland Capital Brokerage Brian Simmons, CFP® Senior Vice President, Trust Officer Premier Trust
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