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Let’s look at TRADE!!!!!! Why do we trade? Is trade good or bad ?

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s look at TRADE!!!!!! Why do we trade? Is trade good or bad ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s look at TRADE!!!!!! Why do we trade? Is trade good or bad ?

2 Clothing Exports

3 Clothing Imports

4 So who benefits from trade?
Who gets hurt by trade? Do we care if people are hurt? What are we supposed to do about it?

5 Trade Barriers

6 Tariff Tax on imports

7 Quota Value based or physical limit on how much can be imported
Illegal goods have a zero import quota In the US in 1996, milk, cream, brooms, ethyl alcohol, anchovies, tuna, olives and durum wheat were subject to tariff-rate quotas. Other quotas exist on peanuts, cotton, sugar and syrup.

8 Embargo Ban on all or nearly all trade
Used to influence political actions

9 Standard Regulations on testing, quality, classification, labeling of imported goods and services

10 Subsidy Financial assistance to a company or industry by the government Used to help keep them competitive

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