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Advanced Respiratory Care (ARC 2017)

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1 Advanced Respiratory Care (ARC 2017)
Dates : 17th Oct, 31st Oct, 7th Nov, 14th Nov, 21st Nov, 09.30 am to 4.30 pm (exam: 20th December am – am) Venue: The Academy, Great Western Hospital , Swindon. Maximum numbers: 14 Tuesday 17th October Sem 6 Tuesday 31st October sem 4 Tuesday 7th November sim suite Tuesday 14th November sem 6 Tracheostomy day Tuesday 21st November sem 6 Wednesday 20th December sem am – EXAM This intensive course is appropriate for Registered Nurses and Allied Healthcare Professionals who care for patients with acute respiratory conditions and is more appropriate for inpatient care . The course includes theory and practical skills linked to disease processes, interventions and management, physical examination and clinical reasoning. The course runs over four weeks, which includes a practical skills assessment and a MCQ exam within 6 weeks of the last day of delivery. There is an expectation that students will devote time to study in their own time as revision of learning will be necessary to achieve successful completion of the assessments. To book a place please send a training application form to : swindon.

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