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Thigh Wrap.

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Presentation on theme: "Thigh Wrap."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thigh Wrap

2 Thigh Wrap Begin around the lower thigh – this wrap should be moving towards the heart Use a ‘circle up’, ‘circle down’ type of motion Remember to pull the wrap about 1 and ½ times its original length

3 Thigh Wrap You will form X’s This is the first part of an X
As you wrap the up and down motion of the circles should happen automatically

4 Thigh Wrap See the X below my finger
Keep wrapping, working your way up towards the heart Remember to overlap by about half of the wrap width

5 Thigh Wrap See the X’s that are forming
If one is not lined up right (like the top one here), lift the wrap and line it up correctly

6 Thigh Wrap Finish by wrapping excess around the upper thigh
Secure with tape Avoid wrinkles! Check for feeling, warmth, and color

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