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Sub-Regional Nomination Agreement Best Practice Guide

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1 Sub-Regional Nomination Agreement Best Practice Guide

2 Kathy Ayres, Rehousing Manager Basildon Borough Council & Alastair Pollock, Strategy Co-ordinator SEHG Andrea O’Callaghan, Head of Allocations Swan Housing Association

3 Agenda 09.30 – Tea & Coffee 10.00 – Introduction – AP, KA & AOC  10.30 – Group work  11.10 – Group feedback 11.30 – Break 11.50 – Overview of Green paper - AP  12.10 – Future discussions - KA & AOC 12.15 – Group work 12.45 – Group feedback 12.55 – Closing round-up 13.00 – Buffet lunch and networking

4 Housing growth England 300,000 by mid 2020s

5 Population Growth South Essex
2037 824,000 Growth : 113,000 – over 20 years or 5,000 + per year 2017 711,000 ONS

6 Housing Requirement 2016-2037 3,750 – 4,000 new homes every year
Completions (net) = 1,350 2,239 affordable homes – annually next 5 years Affordable (net) = 270 South Essex

7 Social Rented Sector England

8 Social Rented Sector The social rented sector is the smallest tenure in England- home to 3.9 million households. % of households in England. (20% Private Rented Sector, 63% Owner occupied) The size of the sector has not changed much in the last decade, but has declined over the longer term. The composition of the social sector has changed in recent years, with more households now renting from housing associations than local authorities. , 9% (2.0m) rented from HAs & 9% (1.9 million) from LA , 10% (2.4m) rented from HAs & 7% (1.6 million) from LA

9 Local Context: South Essex
South Essex = 298,000 units Local Authorities = 28,500 units          Registered Providers = 14,600 units Basildon =10,930 Castle Point =1520 Rochford =0 Thurrock =10,038 Southend =6002 Swan Rochford HA Estuary Genesis Peabody L & Q Clarion Guinness Moat Sanctuary Southern CHP Source:

10 Background South Essex Housing Group May 2017
Allocations sub-group set up June 2017 Nominations agreement Legislative changes Tenancy strategies Welfare reform GDPR

11 Allocation Sub Group Group members - five LA and twelve RP Main issues
Affordability Identify best practice Harder to let properties Sharing information Nomination agreements Void turnaround Tenancy type

12 and communication and affordability
Main discussions Allocations policies Letting process Making offers Refusals and communication and affordability

13 1. Allocation Policy discussions
Local authority policy Homelessness Advice and assistance Housing need register Register Provider policy Best use of stock Occupancy Affordability

14 1. Allocation Policy Best practice RP must check LA policies for:
Permitted levels of over-crowding Policy on under-occupation Children sharing bedrooms Offers based on pregnancy Local lettings plans Definition of affordability Advise if conflict of published policies

15 2.Letting process discussions
% of true voids – RP requirement 75% or 100% Advertising – quality of information Shortlisting – different process Verification – tenancy fraud Viewings – timely Affordability – RP to consult LA Notifying outcomes – 24 hours

16 2.Letting process Best practice Advance advertising
Up to date hand-over information - pre-allocate Detailed and accurate adverts Time frames for verification advised Advise outcome of viewing with 24 hours Advise tenancy start date within 24 hours

17 3.Making/refusing offers discussions
Sensitive lets Direct offers Wheelchair units Harder to let properties Refusals Affordability Behaviour concerns Change of circumstances

18 3.Making offers and refusals
Best practice Direct offers can be considered Any known risks/support need notified to RP Refusals by RP or applicants Affordability assessments Refusals must be discussed with LA first Communication

19 Sub-regional nomination agreement best practice guide
Outcome Sub-regional nomination agreement best practice guide Used by front line staff Adopt principles when policies allow Consider at policy reviews Review after 12 months

20 Key aims Improve communication Promote excellent partnership working
Spread best practice Consistency across region Sustainable tenancies Improve service delivery and void turnaround Make best use of stock Meeting housing need Preventing homelessness

21 Group work Scrutinise the main 4 areas covered:
Allocations policies – section 2 Letting process – sections 4 & 8 Making offers and refusals – sections 8 & 9 How will you do things differently? What can we do to make sure it works?

22 Overview of Green Paper
Alastair Pollock Strategy Coordinator (Housing) EDG & SEHG

23 Green Paper New Deal for Social Housing
Ensuring homes are safe and decent Empowering residents and strengthening the regulator Tackling stigma and celebrating thriving communities Effective resolution of complaints Expanding supply and supporting home ownership

24 Key Issues Social mobility / Right to Buy
Social housing supply (£2bn boost) Borrowing cap for LAs / RtB receipts Welfare Reforms – LHA, fixed term tenancies Using housing efficiently Evidence collection on allocations para 179 -How Local authorities work… -How Registered Providers work… -Role of variations in letting delivery… CBL / Direct Lets

25 Future discussions Duty to refer Pre- tenancy work Tenancy fraud
Current practice Future practice

26 Duty to refer Homeless Reduction Act 2017 October 2018
New legal duties on named public bodies No duty on registered providers NHF – commitment to refer Bound by duty to refer Method of referrals

27 Pre-tenancy work Welfare changes - implications Affordability checks
Income Property running costs Sustainable tenancies Lifestyle Manage expectations

28 Tenancy fraud Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013
Verification of applicant circumstances Succession Joint to sole / sole to joint Mutual exchange Use of ‘personal’ data Tenancy audits / reviews

29 Group work Duty to refer Pre-tenancy work Tenancy fraud
Discuss what you do currently and How you could do things in the future Duty to refer Pre-tenancy work Tenancy fraud

30 Launch of Best Practice Guide
Round up of the day What happens now? Thank you for coming and supporting the launch of the document

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