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Cancer Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Cancer Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cancer Overview

2 Cancer: unrestrained cell growth
Abnormal cell division process Mitosis: Cell division resulting in two identical daughter cells

3 Mitosis ©

4 When is it Appropriate for Cells to Mitose?
1. Repair Same cell replacement to repair damaged tissue Example: you scratch cells from your esophagus


6 2. Growth One cell becomes 2, 2 cells become 4, 4 cells become 8 Example: babies growing into adults, in utero even faster—1 fertilized egg becomes hundreds of trillions in 9 months


8 3. Replacement Same cell replacement AND same number of them Cells have a life span Example: red blood cells, skin cells, inside gut lining

9 Red Blood Cells

10 Metaplasia Replacement of a specialized cell with a less specialized cell (ex. fibroblast)


12 Fibroblast migrate into cut area and fill it in
Scab is pushed off by upward movement of fibroblast—actually raises above the skin Can happen on heart, liver, skin, etc

13 A growth of cells due to a specific physiological need
5. Hyperplasia A growth of cells due to a specific physiological need If you do not need it, it does not happen 

14 Hyperplasia Examples A. Angiogenesis: the growth of capillaries (often to by-pass occlusion) Increases capillary network to tissue

15 Angiogenesis ©http://www. clevelandclinic

16 B. Bacterial Infection: bump up the number of white blood cells
5,000-10,000 wbc per 1 ml of blood You contract strep throat, 17,000-30,000 wbc in the same amount of blood

17 Endometrial Proliferation:
Endometrial is the lining of the uterus

18 Proto-oncogenes Mitosis in any given cell is controlled by proto-oncogenes Oncogenes: a gene with a DNA sequence that can cause cancer (a proto-oncogene gone wrong) Think a gas pedal in a car that is stuck on the floor


20 Oncology: study of tumors
Oncologist: physician specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors

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