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Representing a Functional Curve by Curves with Fewer Peaks

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1 Representing a Functional Curve by Curves with Fewer Peaks
Danny Z. Chen Chao Wang Haitao Wang Computer Science and Engineering University of Notre Dame Indiana, USA

2 General Problem Definition
Input: a piecewise linear functional curve Output: one or more curves to approximate the input curve The output curves are structurally simpler

3 An Example The new curve is structually simpler

4 General Problem Definition (cont.)
The optimization criteria Approximation error Output size All curves discussed in our problems are non-negative (required by application)

5 Formal Problem Definitions
Input: A nonnegative piecewise linear functional curve F=(f1,f2,…,fn) f2 fn fi f1

6 Peaks and Valleys a peak a valley

7 Approximation Error: L∞
Givenε>0, F can be approximated by another curve G with approximation error є if and only if max|fi-gi|≤є, i.e., G lies in the area between F +εand F –ε F +ε G F F -ε

8 Three Problems Uphill-downhill pair representation (UDPR)
Unimodal representation (UR) Fewer-peak representation (FPR)

9 Uphill-downhill Pair Representation (UDPR)
Find two non-negative piecewise linear curves, one non-decreasing (uphill) and one non-increasing (downhill), to use their sum to approximate F

10 An Example for UDPR F uphill curve downhill curve

11 Two Problem Versions of UDPR
Feasibility version: Givenε>0, determine whether there is a feasible UDPR solution for F with approximation errorε min-ε: Compute the minimum errorε* such that there is a feasible UDPR solution with an approximation error ε*

12 Unimodal Representation (UR)
Find a set of non-negative unimodal (single-peak) curves to use their sum to approximate F

13 An Example for UR F

14 Two Problem Versions of UR
min-k: Givenε>0, find a minimum number of unimodal curves with approximation errorε min-ε: Given k>0, find at most k unimodal curves that minimizes the approximation error

15 Fewer-peak Representation (FPR)
Compute a non-negative piecewise linear curve with fewer peaks to approximate F F

16 Two Problem Versions of FPR
min-k: Givenε>0, find a curve with the minimum number of peaks min-ε: Given k>0, find a curve with at most k peaks that minimizes the approximation error

17 Problem Summary Uphill-downhill pair representation (UDPR)
Feasibility version min-εversion Unimodal representation (UR) min- k version Fewer-peak representation (FPR) min-k version

18 Motivations A dose decomposition problem in intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) A modern cancer treatment technique to deliver a prescribed dose to a target tumor The prescribed dose to be delivered is F (nonnegative) A unimodal dose function can be delivered smoothly Approximate F by a set of unimodel functions (UR) To solve UR, we need to solve UDPR FPR can be solved in a similar way as UDPR

19 Related Work [Chun, Sadakane, Tokuyama 2006]
gave an O(n) time algorithm to approximate a piecewise linear curve by a single unimodal curve under L2 error metric O(n2(k+log n)) time algorithm for computing a curve with k peaks to approximate a piecewise linear curve, under the Lp error metric [Stout 2008] studied the problem of approximating points by a unimodal step function, O(nlog n), O(n) and O(n) time algorithms for L1, L2 and L∞ error metrics

20 Our Results UDPR UR FPR Feasibility version: O(n) time
min-εversion: O(n) time UR min-k version: O(n) time min-εversion: O(nlogn) time FPR

21 Our Approaches Geometric observations on the topological structure of the problem Interesting pruning and search techniques, and data structures

22 The Characteristic Curve
Given F and є, define its characteristic curve R(F,є)=(r1,…,rn), r1 = f1+є ri = fi-є if ri-1<fi-є, fi+є if ri-1>fi-є and ri-1 otherwise F+ε F-ε

23 UDPR Feasibility Version
Givenε>0, determine whether there exist An uphill (non-decreasing) curve Y=(y1,…,yn) A downhill (non-increasing) curve Z=(z1,…,zn) Y and Z are non-negative Y+Z=(y1+z1,…, yn+zn) approximates F with errorε If yes, compute the two curves Y and Z

24 UDPR Feasibility Version (cont.)
If the nonnegativeness is not required, the problem is easy even for є=0. Compute Y and Z as follows: F Y Z y-coordinate is 0

25 I(F) and D(F) F I(F) D(F) I(F): The increasing curve of F
D(F): The decreasing curve of F

26 Algorithm for UDPR Feasibility
I(R) D(R) f1+ є – the sum of the decreasing parts in R(F, є)

27 UDPR min- є Problem Compute the minimum approximation errorε* such that there is a feasible UDPR solution with errorε*

28 Algorithm for UDPR min- є
R(F, є) F+ ε F- ε y=0 D(R)

29 The Changing of y-coordinate of the Lowest Point in D(R) as є Increases
ε ε*

30 Determine the Critical Errors
For every critical error, a peak “touches” a valley ε* must be in S={|fi-fj|/2 | for any i, j}; the size of S is O(n2) A simple O(nlog n) solution without producing S explicitly

31 Demo

32 Determine the Critical Errors (cont.)
The number of critical errors is at most n All critical errors can be computed in O(n) time UDPR min-εis solvable in O(n) time

33 The Problem UR Find a set of non-negative unimodal (single-peak) curves to use their sum to approximate F

34 An Observation Let Hi with 1≤i≤k be k unimodal curves and the index of the peak in Hi be pi; suppose 1≤p1≤…≤pk ≤n and H=∑Hi, then H[1…p1] is uphill H[pi-1…pi] has a UDPR solution with error zero H[pk…n] is downhill

35 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5

36 The Inverse is also True
Given a curve H defined on [1…n], if 1≤p1≤…≤pk≤n H[1…p1] is uphill H[pi-1…pi] has a UDPR solution with error zero H[pk…n] is downhill Then, we can find k unimodal curves Hi, 0<i<k+1, such that H = ∑Hi

37 Solving UR min-k Model the problem UR as a series of UDPR problems Use our UDPR algorithms as subroutines A greedy algorithm, O(n) time min-є Determine a error set of O(n4) size containing є* O(n+mlog m) time, m is the number of peaks in F Use pruning and search techniques and data structures

38 Conclusions UDPR UR FPR Feasibility version: O(n) time
min-εversion: O(n) time UR min-k version: O(n) time min-εversion: O(n+mlogm) time FPR

39 Thank you

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