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(c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

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1 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
Last Time The end of Sampling and Filtering Compositing 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

2 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
Today Compositing Summary Intro to 3D (and 2D) Graphics Homework 2 due 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

3 Compositing Operations
F and G describe how much of each input image survives, and cf and cg are pre-multiplied pixels, and all four channels are calculated Operation F G Over Inside Outside Atop Xor Clear Set 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

4 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
Unary Operators Darken: Makes an image darker (or lighter) without affecting its opacity Dissolve: Makes an image transparent without affecting its color 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

5 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
“PLUS” Operator Computes composite by simply adding f and g, with no overlap rules Useful for defining cross-dissolve in terms of compositing: 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

6 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
Obtaining  Values Hand generate (paint a grayscale image) Automatically create by segmenting an image into foreground background: Blue-screening is the analog method Remarkably complex to get right “Lasso” is the Photoshop operation With synthetic imagery, use a special background color that does not occur in the foreground Brightest blue or green is common 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

7 Compositing With Depth
Can store pixel “depth” instead of alpha Then, compositing can truly take into account foreground and background Generally only possible with synthetic imagery Image Based Rendering is an area of graphics that, in part, tries to composite photographs taking into account depth 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

8 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
Where to now… We are now done with images We will spend several weeks on the mechanics of 3D graphics Coordinate systems and Viewing Clipping Drawing lines and polygons Lighting and shading We will finish the semester with modeling and some additional topics 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

9 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
Graphics Toolkits Graphics toolkits typically take care of the details of producing images from geometry Input (via API functions): Where the objects are located and what they look like Where the camera is and how it behaves Parameters for controlling the rendering Functions (via API): Perform well defined operations based on the input environment Output: Pixel data in a framebuffer – an image in a special part of memory Data can be put on the screen Data can be read back for processing (part of toolkit) 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

10 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
OpenGL OpenGL is an open standard graphics toolkit Derived from SGI’s GL toolkit Provides a range of functions for modeling, rendering and manipulating the framebuffer What makes a good toolkit? Alternatives: Direct3D, Java3D - more complex and less well supported 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

11 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
Coordinate Systems The use of coordinate systems is fundamental to computer graphics Coordinate systems are used to describe the locations of points in space Multiple coordinate systems make graphics algorithms easier to understand and implement 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

12 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
Coordinate Systems (2) Different coordinate systems represent the same point in different ways Some operations are easier in one coordinate system than in another We saw this in filtering: It’s easier to define the filter in one space, but transform it to another for use (2,3) (1,2) v v y y u u x x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

13 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
Transformations Transformations convert points between coordinate systems (2,3) u=x-1 v=y-1 (1,2) v v y y u x=u+1 y=v+1 u x x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

14 Transformations (Alternate Interpretation)
Transformations modify an object’s shape and location in one coordinate system The previous interpretation is better for some problems, this one is better for others (2,3) x’=x-1 y’=y-1 y y (1,2) x=x’+1 y=y’+1 x x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

15 2D Affine Transformations
An affine transformation is one that can be written in the form: 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

16 Why Affine Transformations?
Affine transformations are linear Transforming all the individual points on a line gives the same set of points as transforming the endpoints and joining them Interpolation is the same in either space: Find the halfway point in one space, and transform it. Will get the same result if the endpoints are transformed and then find the halfway point 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

17 Composition of Affine Transforms
Any affine transformation can be composed as a sequence of simple transformations: Translation Scaling (possibly with negative values) Rotation See Shirley 1.3.6 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

18 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
2D Translation Moves an object y y by x bx x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

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2D Translation Moves an object y y by x bx x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

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2D Scaling Resizes an object in each dimension y y syy y x x sxx x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

21 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
2D Scaling Resizes an object in each dimension y y syy y x x sxx x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

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2D Rotation Rotate counter-clockwise about the origin by an angle  y y x x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

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2D Rotation Rotate counter-clockwise about the origin by an angle  y y x x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

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X-Axis Shear Shear along x axis (What is the matrix for y axis shear?) y y x x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

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X-Axis Shear Shear along x axis (What is the matrix for y axis shear?) y y x x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

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Reflect About X Axis x x What is the matrix for reflect about Y axis? 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

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Reflect About X Axis x x What is the matrix for reflect about Y axis? 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

28 Rotating About An Arbitrary Point
What happens when you apply a rotation transformation to an object that is not at the origin? y ? x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

29 Rotating About An Arbitrary Point
What happens when you apply a rotation transformation to an object that is not at the origin? It translates as well y x x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

30 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559
How Do We Fix it? How do we rotate an about an arbitrary point? Hint: we know how to rotate about the origin of a coordinate system 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

31 Rotating About An Arbitrary Point
x x y y x x 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

32 Rotate About Arbitrary Point
Say you wish to rotate about the point (a,b) You know how to rotate about (0,0) Translate so that (a,b) is at (0,0) x’=x–a, y’=y–b Rotate x”=(x-a)cos-(y-b)sin, y”=(x-a)sin+(y-b)cos Translate back again xf=x”+a, yf=y”+b 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

33 Scaling an Object not at the Origin
What also happens if you apply the scaling transformation to an object not at the origin? Based on the rotating about a point composition, what should you do to resize an object about its own center? 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

34 Back to Rotation About a Pt
Say R is the rotation matrix to apply, and p is the point about which to rotate Translation to Origin: Rotation: Translate back: The translation component of the composite transformation involves the rotation matrix. What a mess! 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

35 Homogeneous Coordinates
Use three numbers to represent a point (x,y)=(wx,wy,w) for any constant w0 Typically, (x,y) becomes (x,y,1) Translation can now be done with matrix multiplication! 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

36 Basic Transformations
Translation: Rotation: Scaling: 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

37 Homogeneous Transform Advantages
Unified view of transformation as matrix multiplication Easier in hardware and software To compose transformations, simply multiply matrices Order matters: AB is generally not the same as BA Allows for non-affine transformations: Perspective projections! Bends, tapers, many others 10/1/02 (c) 2002 University of Wisconsin, CS 559

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