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different forms of growth

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Presentation on theme: "different forms of growth"— Presentation transcript:

1 different forms of growth
01 - introduction - different forms of growth 01 - introduction

2 02 - tensor calculus - tensor algebra

3 03 - tensor calculus - tensor analysis

4 04 - kinematic equations - large deformations and growth

5 05 - balance equations - closed systems

6 06 - balance equations - open systems

7 07 - constitutive equations
density growth 07 - constitutive equations

8 08 - finite element method
density growth - theory 08 - finite element method

9 09 - finite element method
density growth - implementation 09 - finite element method

10 10 - examples - density growth

11 growth of tennisplayer arms
11 - class project - growth of tennisplayer arms 11 - class project

12 12 - finite element method
density growth - alternative formulation 12 - finite element method

13 13 - constitutive equations
volume growth 13 - constitutive equations

14 14 - finite element method
volume growth - theory 14 - finite element method

15 15 - finite element method
volume growth - implementation 15 - finite element method

16 16 - examples - volume growth

17 17 - examples - remodeling

18 growth of tennisplayer arms
18 - class project - growth of tennisplayer arms 18 - class project

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